Current Standings

Week-to-Week Scores

The Analysts have come around the near turn and its dust up for the Winner’s Circle! Only a sawmill’s handful of contestants (4) remain in serious contention for the Win!
Making up for lost time after joining the WFTL, Roxy Trot (20 points) secures sole possession of first place with a Home Team Playoff Victory (+3). But her path is not clear…Boo Boo (18 points) surges from fifth place on the back of her trusty steed and an astute *lame* Trifecta in the Conference Championship Round. AoY Champion Bookie (17 Trifecta Points) spits the bit with two Incorrect Picks, but has an outside rail to the STB Championship. And, upstart colt, Wreck It Ralph (15 points), is bucked by his Bengals but Correctly Picked the Eagles for TGWSNBN. Early projections suggest all four have reasonable paths to the Win.
The digit lost in a tragic workplace accident at the sawmill (with perhaps a slim chance for the Win), The Strategist (13 points) added a *lame* Trifecta to move into fifth place. She can add 9 more points to reach 22 Trifecta Points Total to force a decision on tiebreakers.
Former STB Champion, Big Tuna (13 points), and Woody (12 points) are on the outside looking in at the Win. Tied for the the sixth position, both have possible paths to the Winner’s Circle as Place or Show. Bug Bug (10 points) in ninth position has an unusual path to 19 points that may Show. Sponge Mom (9 points) in tenth position may also have an improbable path to 18 points for a Show.
Mo Money (10 points) currently holds eighth position, but she had two Incorrect Picks and can only finish at 16 points (one less than the current third place).
All other Analysts are either incalculably close to a Show or have been eliminated.
The Current Standings are:
11 (tie). Little Tuna and B-Reezy (9 points each);
13. Wise Orangutan (8 points);
14. Craft Brew (6 points);
15 (tie). Jimmy V and KateTDid (3 points)
17. Atwork (0 points)
Note: Atwork has achieved a most fabulous feat — he earned 0 Trifectas for an entire Season (0 for 21) and has 0 points currently in the Super Trifecta Bowl. The only way he can score in the STB is if he correctly Predicts the final score. Of course, he could submit something outlandish like 73 – 0 (for our Bears fans) — and be Correct!
The back stretch proved to be more heavy as only a handful of Analysts earned base Trifectas. Only one upset on the round, and that one was not much of an upset!
At the front of the field, AoY Champion Bookie (17 Trifecta Points) has been tied by Roxy Trot (17 points). Roxy Trot takes the lead over Bookie by a head on first tiebreaker (Base Trifecta Points): 12 vs. 9 points. Wreck It Ralph (15 points) takes an outside rail on a Base Trifecta with Victory Points (8 points) to take over third place.
Big Tuna (13 points) falls to fourth place and loses his steed for the remainder of STB IX. The former STB Champion can’t be counted out yet as he is the only Analyst to Win with a fallen thoroughbred! Boo Boo and Woody share fifth place at 12 points. Woody has the tiebreaker as all of her points have come from Base Trifectas (12 vs. 9) but Boo Boo has the stalwart pony, Chiefs, as her Home Team headed into the near turn.
The Strategist, Mo Money and Bug Bug vie for seventh place at 10 points each. All three have 9 Base Trifecta Points (first tiebreaker) and need to separate from the pack down the stretch. Sponge Mom, Little Tuna and B-Reezy trail in tenth position with 9 points each. The Middle of the Field still has hopes for a Win with a steal of the Pre-science points (+6) in the TGWSNBN.
The remainder of the field is looking at a statistical improbability for the Win because Bookie or Roxy Trot will reach 20 points on in the Conference Championships. But, play for pride, Analysts!
In thirteenth place, Craft Brew has 6 Trifecta Points. Wise Orangutan in fourteenth position has 5 Trifecta Points. Jimmy V and KateTDid share fifteenth place with 3 points. Atwork nears completion of the Inverted Perfect Season with 0 Trifectas in 20 weeks and 0 Trifecta Points after two Rounds of the STB. Can he go one more Round without a Trifecta!??!
Best Offense: Eagles (38), Roxy Trot (+1)
Best Defense: Eagles (7), Roxy Trot (+2)
* Home Team
And they are off on the ninth running of the Super Trifecta Bowl! It is a fast track with no less than 10 Analysts earning base Trifectas (6 points) and 5 Analysts earning lame Trifectas (3 points). Nevertheless, the early leaders are a handful of familiar faces from the Analyst of the Year. I the Wildcard Round…
At the front of the field, AoY Champion Bookie (12 Trifecta Points) earned a base Trifecta and 6 Super Trifecta bonus points (1 Victory, 1 Reverse PC-Fecta, 1 Player Haters, and 3 Seeder Redux points)! Following closely, Big Tuna (10 Trifecta Points) also took a base Trifecta and 4 Super Trifecta bonus points (1 Victory, 2 Reverse PC-Fecta, and 1 Seeder Redux point).
Third place is a dead heat between three Analysts who left the gates with base Trifectas and Victory points with Home Teams. The Strategist, Wreck It Ralph, and Mo Money share third with each receiving 7 Trifecta Points total.
Sixth position features another group of Analysts who earned base Trifectas but no bonus points in the first round. Roxy Trot, Boo Boo, Woody, Little Tuna and B-Reezy enter the back stretch with 6 Trifecta Points a piece.
Sharing the eleventh position, Jimmy V, Bug Bug, Sponge Mom, KateTDid, and Craft Brew capture lame Trifectas with no bonuses for 3 Trifecta Points each.
Wise Orangutan limps in sixteenth place with 1 Trifecta Point (no Trifecta and only 1 bonus point). Atwork continues to toil in the ruts left by the rest of the field…he has 0 Trifecta Points heading to the back stretch.
Trifecta Points and First Tiebreaker (Base and Lame Trifecta Points)
Super Trifecta Bonus Points for Second and Third Tiebreakers (Require a Claim)
Super Trifecta Bonus Points for Fourth and Fifth Tiebreakers (No Claim Required)
Total Super Trifecta Bonus Points from All Sources (Claim and Non-Claimant Tiebreakers)
Results of Week 17 may be contingent on the official record for the Bills and Bengals game in Week 17. Currently, the game is postponed and neither team awards a Correct Pick for the win.*
A wrinkle in timing has muddled the current Standings of the Ninth Marathon of the Ass! While some results are updated, several Analysts find themselves in a cloud of dust down the home stretch. What we do know is that three Analysts remain in contention for the Win.
Bookie (8 Trifectas and 38 Correct Picks) clings onto first place by a head. Big Tuna (8 Trifectas and 34 Correct Picks) adds to his season Trifecta total and moves into second place. The Strategist (7 Trifectas and 35 Correct Picks) falls into third place, barely within striking distance of the leader!
Jimmy V, Roxy Trot, and Wreck It Ralph entered Week 17 with mathematical possibilities for the Win. After adding a Trifecta on the season, Wreck It Ralph (7 Trifectas and 34 Correct Picks) moves into fourth place. Unfortunately, he trails the leader by 1 Trifecta and 4 Correct Picks, so his best hope is now Place. Roxy Trot (6 Trifectas and 38 Correct Picks) and Jimmy V (6 Trifectas and 35 Correct Picks) fall to fifth and sixth place, respectively, with their best hope becoming a Show at 7 Trifectas.
All other Analysts are eliminated from Win, Place, or Show at 7 Trifectas. The five Analysts with the worst records in the Analyst of the Year are at risk of losing Claim to a Home Team during Super Trifecta Bowl IX. All of the below Analysts have mathematical possibilities for relegation to the horseless.
At 5 Trifectas each, the following Analysts lead the list of Analysts who currently retain a Claim to a Home Team during the Super Trifecta Bowl. Mo Money (36 Correct Picks) is in seventh place, trailed by Sponge Mom (35 Correct Picks) in eighth place. Wise Orangutan (33 Correct Picks) remains in ninth position. These three Analysts appear to be safe from relegation. Bug Bug (29 Correct Picks) holds tenth place, but she needs at least 2 Correct Picks or The Seeders’ Cup Crown to remain safe from relegation.
Craft Brew (4 Trifectas and 36 Correct Picks) continues to move up the board and now is in eleventh place. Boo Boo and KateTDid (both with 4 Trifectas and 33 Correct Picks) are in a tie for twelfth place — if the season ended this week, a coin flip would determine which was relegated to an Analyst with No Claim. Woody (4 Trifectas and 30 Correct Picks) is in fourteenth place. To escape relegation, these four Analysts likely need a Trifecta or The Seeders’ Cup Crown to retain a Claim in the Super Trifecta Bowl — if three out of four earn Trifectas in Week 18, the fourth who remains at 4 Trifectas will be relegated to an Analyst with No Claim (also, see NOTE below).
B-Reezy (3 Trifectas and 29 Correct Picks) and Little Tuna (3 Trifectas and 29 Correct Picks) are tied for fifteenth position, while Atwork (0 Trifectas) in last place. All three need The Seeders’ Cup Crown in order to retain a Claim in the Super Trifecta Bowl.
*NOTE: Woody, Little Tuna, KateTDid, Atwork, and Bug Bug possibly have one more Correct Pick depending on the outcome of the Bills and Bengals game from Week 17. KateTDid has a Trifecta pending (with a Bills win) that would give her a 5th Trifecta, moving her up to 9th place and moving several others down one position (toward relegation). Woody (Bills) or Bug Bug (Bengals) have a Correct Pick pending that may affect relegation (13th place) at the end of the regular season. Little Tuna and Atwork (Bills) have Correct Picks pending that will not affect relegation.
Results of Leg 3 may be contingent on the official record for the Bills and Bengals game in Week 17. Currently, the game is postponed and neither team awards a Correct Pick for the win.*
Coming around the near turn, a cloud of dust has enveloped the field of contenders in The Seeders’ Cup IX! At the moment, the Standings appear to be…
Wise Orangutan (29 points) has moved into the lead! Bookie (26 points) slips into second place. Roxy Trot, Craft Brew and Big Tuna (23 points each) vie for third place. Big Tuna has the inside rail with 2 Correct Home Team Picks, while Craft Brew and Roxy Trot (1 Correct Home Team Pick and 8 Seeder points) run neck-and-neck.
Little Tuna. The Strategist, and KateTDid (22 points each) contest sixth place. Little Tuna holding the edge with 2 Correct Home Team Picks and 10 Seeder points over The Strategist (2 Correct Home Team Picks and 7 Seeder points) and KateTDid (1 Correct Home Team Pick and 10 Seeder points). Woody (20 points) holds ninth place.
Jimmy V and Wreck It Ralph (19 points each) run in tenth position with Wreck It Ralph having the advantage with 1 Correct Home Team Pick. Sponge Mom (18 points) runs in twelfth, followed by Bug Bug (17 points) in thirteenth and Mo Money (16 points) in fourteenth.
B-Reezy and Boo Boo (9 points each) stagger around the near turn, while Atwork (7 points) defends the back of the field…
*NOTE: Woody, Little Tuna, KateTDid, Atwork, and Bug Bug currently have posted scores as if neither the Bills or Bengals won their Week 17 game.
We are in the final weeks of the home stretch of the Ninth Marathon of the Ass and the field has been winnowed down to six Analysts for the Win!
Bookie runs to 8 Trifectas and 36 Correct Picks (both highs)! With two weeks left, she has eliminated all Analysts with 5 or fewer Trifectas on the season. Trailing by one length, The Strategist (7 Trifectas and 33 Correct Picks) holds here slim lead over Big Tuna (7 Trifectas and 31 Correct Picks) for second place. All three leaders have earned five Trifectas in the past six weeks!
Still in the hunt for the Win at 6 Trifectas each, Roxy Trot (36 Correct Picks) holds onto fourth place. The Defending Analyst of the Year, Jimmy V (33 Correct Picks), moves up to fifth place, followed by Wreck It Ralph (31 Correct Picks) in sixth place. These three Analysts remain in strong contention for the Win or Place, but will need a streak of 2 Trifectas to challenge the current leader!
All other Analysts are eliminated from the Win at 8 Trifectas.
At 5 Trifectas each, the following Analysts can still Place or Show at 7 Trifectas. Mo Money (34 Correct Picks) is in seventh place, trailed by Sponge Mom (33 Correct Picks) in eighth place. Wise Orangutan (31 Correct Picks) moves into the midfield in tenth position. Bug Bug (28 Correct Picks) also escapes from the back of the field with her fourth straight Trifecta and puts herself in position to hold a Claim in Super Trifecta Bowl IX!
All remaining Analysts are eliminated from Win, Place, and Show at 7 Trifectas.
Reminder: The five Analysts with worst records in the Analyst of the Year are at risk of losing Claim to a Home Team during Super Trifecta Bowl IX.
On the cusp of relegation as one of the Analysts with No Claim in Super Trifecta Bowl IX, Boo Boo (4 Trifectas, 32 Correct Picks) runs in eleventh position and KateTDid (4 Trifectas, 31 Correct Picks) makes the cut in the twelfth position.
After Wise Orangutan and Bug Bug move up the board, Woody (4 Trifectas, 30 Correct Picks) falls into thirteenth position — the first of five Analysts with No Claim during the Super Trifecta Bowl! Craft Brew (3 Trifectas and 33 Correct Picks) made a run for fourteenth position, ahead of B-Reezy (3 Trifectas and 28 Correct Picks) and Little Tuna (3 Trifectas and 28 Correct Picks) in a tie for fifteenth. Atwork (0 Trifectas) remains on track for the worst WFTL season on record (The Strategist – 1 Trifecta in a 17 Week Season!!!).
Down the back stretch, the Analysts are galloping at a blistering pace in The Seeders’ Cup IX!
Bookie (23 points) and Wise Orangutan (23 points) lead the field after Leg 2! Bookie has the first tiebreaker (!) after her Home Team defeated Wise O’s Home Team in Leg 1. Little Tuna (22 points) moves into sole possession of third place.
Roxy Trot moves into a tie with Woody at 20 points each. Both have 1 Correct Home Team Pick, but Woody has the edge for fourth place on third tiebreaker with 11 Seeder points to Roxy’s 8 Seeder points. The Strategist (19 points) emerges in sixth place.
In a contest for seventh place, Craft Brew, Big Tuna, and Bug Bug with 17 points each remain within one Trifecta of the leaders. Craft Brew and Big Tuna have the inside rail with 1 Correct Home Team Pick and Seeder points each, Bug Bug trails with 0 Correct Home Team Picks. Jimmy V and KateTDid vie for tenth position with 16 points each and in a dead heat on tiebreakers.
Sponge Mom (15 points) holds the twelfth position, followed by Mo Money (13 points) in thirteenth and Wreck It Ralph (10 points) moving up to fourteenth position. B-Reezy and Boo Boo (9 points each) outpace Atwork (7 points) at the back of the field…
We are in the home stretch of the Ninth Marathon of the Ass and we finally have a clear leader who is now on the verge of eliminating half of the field!
Bookie notches her fourth Trifecta in five Weeks to bring her Ass-leading totals to 7 Trifectas and 33 Correct Picks (both highs). Trailing by one length, The Strategist (6 Trifectas and 30 Correct Picks) adds to her Trifecta count in Week 15 to overtake Big Tuna (6 Trifectas and 28 Correct Picks) for second place. These three Analysts may soon have insurmountable leads on the rest of the field!
The biggest movers of the week are Roxy Trot and Mo Money who tied Jimmy V, Sponge Mom, and Wreck It Ralph at 5 Trifectas each. Roxy Trot (33 Correct Picks) jumps from seventh to fourth place while Mo Money (32 Correct Picks) surges from eighth to fifth place. Sponge Mom (31 Correct Picks) slides down to sixth place, followed by Jimmy V (30 Correct Picks) in seventh and Wreck It Ralph (28 Correct Picks) in eighth place. These five Analysts remain in strong contention for the Win, but will need a streak of 2 or 3 Trifectas to challenge the current leader!
On the cusp of elimination for the Win, Woody, KateTDid, Wise Orangutan, Boo Boo and Bug Bug lead the bottom half of the field with 4 Trifectas each. Boo Boo (30 Correct Picks) holds ninth position over KateTDid (29 Correct Picks) in tenth position. Woody and Wise Orangutan (28 Correct Picks each) continue to run feverishly in eleventh place to stay ahead of the five Analysts with No Claim during the Super Trifecta Bowl!
Reminder: The five Analysts with worst records in the Analyst of the Year are at risk of losing Claim to a Home Team during Super Trifecta Bowl IX.
Despite a streak of three Trifecta in a row (!), Bug Bug (4 Trifectas and 25 Correct Picks) remains among the bottom five Analysts. She is followed by B-Reezy (3 Trifectas and 28 Correct Picks) in fourteenth place.
Craft Brew (2 Trifectas and 30 Correct Picks) in the fifteenth spot and Little Tuna (2 Trifectas and 25 Correct Picks) in the sixteenth spot have been eliminated from Win, Place and Show. Atwork (0 Trifectas) is in dire straits of setting the record for worst season on record (The Strategist – 1 Trifecta in a 17 Week Season!!!).