Player Haters Preakness III | Week 7 Picks

The Analysts picks are in:

The Bookie: Packers*/Giants*/Raiders
Big Tuna: Raiders/Packers*/Rams
LittleTuna: Packers*/Falcons*/Jaguar*
Wise Orangutan: Packers*/Bills*/Vikings
The Strategist: Rams/Packers*/Bills*
Kal Krome: Seahawks/Packers*/Falcons*
B-Reezy: Vikings/Raiders/Rams
Atwork: Vikings/Seahawks/Dolphins

* Denotes hater eligible pick.

Race Day Notes:

Each week the Bookie will interview one analysts.
This week the Bookie interviewed former Analyst of the Year, Minds Blank.

The Bookie: Minds Blank, The Clearinghouse has raised the spectre of a trophy curse. As the first Analyst of the Year, would you like to dispel that malarky?

Minds Blank: …

The Bookie: Minds Blank?

Minds Blank: …

The Results Are In!

The Bookie: Packers*/Giants*/Raiders (2 points)
Big Tuna: Raiders/Packers*/Rams
LittleTuna: Packers*/Falcons*/Jaguar*
Wise Orangutan: Packers*/Bills*/Vikings
The Strategist: Rams/Packers*/Bills*
Kal Krome: Seahawks/Packers*/Falcons*
B-Reezy: Vikings/Raiders/Rams
Atwork: Vikings/Seahawks/Dolphins

The Bookie pockets her first trifecta of the year! WIth the exception of the Big Tuna, with two Correct Picks, the rest of the field continues to struggle with the simple concept of picking three winners!

For the third week in a row, no Analysts selected the potential 3-point trifecta: Packers, Giants, and Eagles in Leg 3.

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Player Haters Preakness III | Week 6 Picks

The Analysts picks are in:

The Bookie: Broncos*/Bears/Raiders
Big Tuna: Raiders/Steelers*/Cowboys
LittleTuna: Cowboys/Steelers*/Falcons*
Wise Orangutan: Lions*/Steelers*/Packers*
The Strategist: Rams/Steelers*/Jaguars*
Kal Krome: Seahawks/Steelers*/Packers*
B-Reezy: Bears/Lions*/Raiders
Atwork: Seahawks/Rams/Bears

* Denotes hater eligible pick.

Race Day Notes:

Each week the Bookie will interview one analysts.
This week the Bookie interviewed Wise Orangutan.

Bookie: Big O, there was rumors three years ago that you may have had a hand in forming the rules for this game but your picks have not even matched up to some of our newer Analyst of this game. Fact check: according to the Clearinghouse, your picks are rarely correct. Would you like to make a comment about this?

Wise Orangutan: The rumors are greatly exaggerated. The Clearinghouse and I have no relationship whatsoever. As you may recall, The Clearinghouse sent Guido to break my fingers for no substantial reason other than a personal defense of the integrity of the races after Little Tuna cheat-rioted her way into our coveted trophies!

Now, this year, I no longer will be driven into irrational choices based on my deep-seated passion to stop the Cheat-riots from winning — no, stealing — yet another Super Bowl. I plan to reclaim the Player Haters Preakness (my first win) and position myself for Analyst of the Year before the second half of the racing season.

Oh, and, at least I am not as bad as The Bookie! Sheesh, you control the damn picks!

Bookie: Side note, still irrational and quite smelly. I noticed he was eating some sort of chocolate substance and drinking canned beer! Who drinks canned beer?

Wise Orangutan: PBR in a can!

The Results Are In!

The Bookie: Broncos*/Bears/Raiders
Big Tuna: Raiders/Steelers*/Cowboys
LittleTuna: Cowboys/Steelers*/Falcons*
Wise Orangutan: Lions*/Steelers*/Packers*
The Strategist: Rams/Steelers*/Jaguars*
Kal Krome: Seahawks/Steelers*/Packers*
B-Reezy: Bears/Lions*/Raiders
Atwork: Seahawks/Rams/Bears

The first wipe-out of the year as no Analyst notches more than one Correct PIck in the week!

Little Tuna and Wise Orangutan hold the early lead in the third annual Player Haters Preakness, each with 2 hater picks and 2-point trifectas. B-Reezy holds onto third with a 1-point trifecta after the second turn.

The rest of the field struggles with the simple task of picking three winners!

No Analysts selected the potential 3-point trifecta of Jaguars, Lions, and Chiefs in Leg 2.

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Player Haters Preakness III | Week 5 Picks

The Analysts picks are in:

The Bookie: Colts*/Bengals*/Bills*
Big Tuna: Vikings/Bengals*/Bills*
LittleTuna: Cowboys/Colts*/Titans*
Wise Orangutan: Vikings/Colts*/Bills*
The Strategist: Rams/Colts*/Bengals*
Kal Krome: Bengals*/Titans*/Colts*
B-Reezy: Vikings/Raiders/Bills*
Atwork: Vikings/Rams/Bears

* Denotes hater eligible pick.

Race Day Notes:

Each week the Bookie will interview one analysts.
This week the Bookie interviewed B-Reezy.

Bookie: B-Reezy, you did extremely well in last months race with two trifectas. What’s your strategy for this years WFTL?

B-Reezy: My strategy is different from last year where I made a lot of my picks with my home team. I’m still a number 1 Bears fan but “Straight out, my strategy is, when I feel pretty sure I go for the trifecta. I’m going for the big one, Analysts of the Year Award. I HAVE MY EYE ON THE PRIZE!!! ”

The Results Are In!

The Bookie: Colts*/Bengals*/Bills*
Big Tuna: Vikings/Bengals*/Bills*
LittleTuna: Cowboys/Colts*/Titans* (2 points)
Wise Orangutan: Vikings/Colts*/Bills* (2 points)
The Strategist: Rams/Colts*/Bengals*
Kal Krome: Bengals*/Titans*/Colts*
B-Reezy: Vikings/Raiders/Bills* (1 point)
Atwork: Vikings/Rams/Bears

Little Tuna and Wise Orangutan take the early lead in the third annual Player Haters Preakness, each with 2 hater picks and 2-point trifectas. B-Reezy executes his annual strategy to perfection to earn a 1-point trifecta for third place around the first turn.

Little Tuna lasso’ed a number of Analysts in Leg 1 when the Bungles fell to the Cowboys. Atwork falters in the contests of four-legged beasts after the Buffalos defeat the Rams and Colts defeat the Bears.

No Analysts selected the potential 3-point trifecta of Colts, Titans, and Bills in Leg 1.

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PC-Fecta Derby III | Week 4 Picks

The Analysts picks are in:

The Bookie: Seahawks/Cardinals/Chargers
Big Tuna: Raiders/Cardinals/Bengals
LittleTuna: Cardinals /Giants/Bengals
Wise Orangutan: Chargers/Ravens/Bengals
The Strategist: Rams/Vikings/Chargers
Kal Krome: Seahawks/Cardinals/Saints
B-Reezy: Raiders/Seahawks/Vikings
Atwork: Vikings/Panthers/Seahawks

Race Day Notes:

Each week the Bookie will interview one analysts. This week the Bookie interviewed the Big Tuna. I was welcomed into his home by his lovely wife Little Tuna. She said he’d see me in his man cave where he prepares by watching ESPN before the race. I asked him how he felt about seeing the finish line with two horses in front of him and another beside him and 2 horses coming up from the rear, I said you must be nervous being in the middle of this pack?

Big Tuna leaned back in his recliner, took a swig of some foul looking green liquid from his glass and said, “Give up, y’all. There is no point trying. This was named in my honor after all.🐷”
So there you have it. Big Tuna predicts a repeat of PC-FECTA Derby I.

The Results Are In!

The Bookie: Seahawks/Cardinals/Chargers
Big Tuna: Raiders/Cardinals/Bengals
Little Tuna: Cardinals /Giants/Bengals
Wise Orangutan: Chargers/Ravens/Bengals
The Strategist: Rams/Vikings/Chargers
Kal Krome: Seahawks/Cardinals/Saints
B-Reezy: Raiders/Seahawks/Vikings (1 point)
Atwork: Vikings/Panthers/Seahawks
In the final stretch, B-Reezy un-bears down for the sole trifecta for 1 point.

The Strategist, Kal Krome, and Atwork eat B-Reezy’s dust with only two Correct Picks, while The Bookie, Big Tuna, Little Tuna, and Wise Orangutan limp across the finish line with a single Correct Pick.

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PC-Fecta Derby III | Week 3 Picks

The Analysts picks are in:

The Bookie: Dolphins/Packers/Panthers
Big Tuna: Raiders/Cowboys/Panthers
LittleTuna: Panthers/Colts/Titans
Wise Orangutan: Chargers/Dolphins/Cowboys
The Strategist: Packers/Panthers/Seahawks
Kal Krome: Seahawks/Cowboys/Packers
Minds Blank: Packers/49ers/Panthers
B-Reezy: Seahawks/Dolphins/Panthers
Atwork: Vikings/Packers/Rams

Race Day Notes:

Each week the Bookie will interview one analysts. This week the Bookie interviewed the Strategist at her high rise apartment in Chicago. When asked how she felt about last weeks results, She humbly applied how surprise she was to have taken the lead so early in the race. She continued (and I quote) by saying “I have a solid chance of beating the Orangutan”. This being a personal goal, she added this prediction “The Wise Orangutan will be the big loser this year!”

We might see a little slipstreaming action with the Little Tuna and The Strategist together to give this Orangutan a Charlie horse.

The Results Are In!


Around the third turn, Atwork’s horse sense blitzes the competition, knocking out five Analysts with Viking efficiency and securing the bonus trifecta point for best defense.

In a cagey performance, however, Kal Krome evades the Panther trap set by Atwork and rounds the third turn on a 37-point offensive gallop by the Seahawks.

Wise Orangutan is crushed by his un-super Chargers and joins the Panther-bitten Analysts around the third turn.

The Bookie: Dolphins/Packers/Panthers
Big Tuna: Raiders/Cowboys/Panthers
LittleTuna: Panthers/Colts/Titans
Wise Orangutan: Chargers/Dolphins/Cowboys
The Strategist: Packers/Panthers/Seahawks
Kal Krome: Seahawks/Cowboys/Packers (3 points)
Minds Blank: Packers/49ers/Panthers
B-Reezy: Seahawks/Dolphins/Panthers
Atwork: Vikings/Packers/Rams (2 points)


Top teams among trifecta winners:

Top offensive team (+2): Seahawks (37 points scored)

Top defensive team (+1): Vikings (10 points allowed)

Final scores.


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PC-Fecta Derby III | Week 2 Picks

The Analysts picks are in:

The Bookie: Seahawks/Chargers/Bears
Big Tuna: Raiders/Panthers/Vikings
LittleTuna: Panthers/Patriots/Packers
Wise Orangutan: Chargers/Panthers/Raiders
The Strategist: Rams/Panthers/Chargers
Kal Krome: Seahawks/Patriots/Vikings
Minds Blank: still blank
B-Reezy: Seahawks/Panthers/Raiders
Atwork: Vikings/Seahawks/Bears

Race Day Notes:

Each week the Bookie will interview one analysis.

This week the Bookie had an in-depth telephone interview with Kal Krome. When asked how he felt the Seattle Seahawks would do this year, he hemmed and hawed awhile then replied, “I’m just not good at these things. My “Minds Blank”.


The Results Are In!

The Strategist startles the field with a sprint along the inside rail to take all three *bonus* trifecta points in the PC-Fecta Derby III.

Big Tuna, Kal Krome, B-Reezy, Atwork, and Wise Orangutan jockey to hold their positions around the second turn.

The Bookie and Little Tuna pace Minds Blank, who remains out to pasture and is now listed as doubtful after Leg 2 of the PCFecta Derby.

The Bookie: Seahawks/Chargers/Bears
Big Tuna: Raiders/Panthers/Vikings
LittleTuna: Panthers/Patriots/Packers
Wise Orangutan: Chargers/Panthers/Raiders
The Strategist: Rams/Panthers/Chargers (4 points)
Kal Krome: Seahawks/Patriots/Vikings
Minds Blank: still blank
B-Reezy: Seahawks/Panthers/Raiders
Atwork: Vikings/Seahawks/Bears

Top teams among trifecta winners:

Top offensive team (+2): Rams (9 points!)

Top defensive team (+1): Rams (3 points)

Final scores.

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PC-Fecta Derby III | Week 1 Picks

The Analysts picks are in:

The Bookie:  Dolphins/Chiefs/Packers
Big Tuna:  Raiders/Seahawks/Packers
Little Tuna:  Panthers/Titans/Packers
Wise Orangutan: Packers/Seahawks/Texans
The Strategist:  Rams/Seahawks/Chiefs
Kal Krome: Sea Hawk/Packers/Vikings
Minds Blank:  still blank
B-Reezy:  Packers/Seahawks/Raiders
Atwork:  49ers/Seahawks/Packers

Race Day Notes:

Each week the Bookie will interview one analysis. This week while visiting the home of Little Tuna I asked her what she predicts for the 2016/17 season.

Little Tuna  boasted that she will Sweep the games this year!!!  Quite a bold prediction from such a little fish.

Oddly her eyebrows looked wild, her hair combed over to cover some baldness and her face looked like she had stuck it in a Cheetos feed bag while wearing goggles.


The Results Are In!

Five Analysts surge out of the gates to notch their first trifectas of the new racing season!

Around the first turn, Big Tuna, who staked a dark horse – The Raiders – in the Derby, jumps out to a one length lead over the next closest Analyst after a 35 point outing (offensive bonus trifecta = 2) against the Saints. Kal Krome, with his stalwart Seahawks, defeats The Bookie’s Dolphins while displaying a dominant defensive (defensive bonus trifecta  = 1).

B-Reezy, Atwork, and Wise Orangutan — each passing on their horse this past week — pace themselves with safe trifecta picks (if there is such a thing).

The Bookie and The Strategist falter after their own horses stumble on the road, while Little Tuna’s effort to prove the horse does not make the Analyst suffers a setback. Minds Blank remains out to pasture and now is listed as questionable for Leg 2 of the PCFecta Derby.

The Bookie:  Dolphins/Chiefs/Packers
Big Tuna:  Raiders/Seahawks/Packers (3 points)
Little Tuna:  Panthers/Titans/Packers
Wise Orangutan: Packers/Seahawks/Texans (1 point)
The Strategist:  Rams/Seahawks/Chiefs
Kal Krome: Seahawk/Packers/Vikings (2 points)
Minds Blank:  still blank
B-Reezy:  Packers/Seahawks/Raiders (1 point)
Atwork:  49ers/Seahawks/Packers (1 point)


Top offensive team: Raiders (35 points)

Top defensive team: Seahawks (10 points)

Final scores.

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Picks | Super Trifecta Bowl II | Championship Round

The Picks:

The Bookie: Panthers/Patriots
The Big Tuna: Broncos/Cardinals
The Little Tuna: Patriots/Panthers
Wise Orangutan: Cardinals/Broncos
The Strategist: Panthers/Broncos
Kal Krome: Broncos/Panthers
Mindsblank: Broncos/Cardinals
B-Reezy: Panthers/Broncos

The Results:

The Bookie: Panthers/Patriots
The Big Tuna: Broncos/Cardinals
The Little Tuna: Patriots/Panthers
Wise Orangutan: Cardinals/Broncos
The Strategist: Panthers/Broncos
Kal Krome: Broncos/Panthers
Mindsblank: Broncos/Cardinals
B-Reezy: Panthers/Broncos

The Strategist, Kal Krome, and B-Reezy are still eligible for the trifecta point.

Reverse PCFecta Trifecta Points:

Panthers 49 – 15 Cardinals = 3  points (best offense and defense) for The Bookie (pending results of the World Professional Football Championship Game).

Player Hater Trifecta Points:


Seeder Redux Trifecta Points:


Trifecta Points Awarded for the Leg

Big Tuna and The Bookie have earned 3 Playoff Victory Points for their Home Teams’ victories in the Conference Championships.

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Picks | Super Trifecta Bowl II | Divisional Round

The Picks:

The Bookie: Panthers/Chiefs/Broncos (14 points possible)
The Big Tuna: Broncos/Seahawks/Packers (15 points possible)
The Little Tuna: Patriots/Broncos/Seahawks (12 points possible)
Wise Orangutan: Cardinals/Chiefs/Broncos (10 points possible)
The Strategist: Chiefs/Panthers/Cardinals (10 points possible)
Kal Krome: Seahawks/Chiefs/Steelers (22 points possible)
Minds Blank: Packers/Steelers/Seahawks (22 points possible)
B-Reezy: Chiefs/Steelers/Panthers (12 points possible)

The Results:

The Bookie: Panthers/Chiefs/Broncos
The Big Tuna: Broncos/Seahawks/Packers
The Little Tuna: Patriots/Broncos/Seahawks
Wise Orangutan: Cardinals/Chiefs/Broncos
The Strategist: Chiefs/Panthers/Cardinals
Kal Krome: Seahawks/Chiefs/Steelers
Minds Blank: Packers/Steelers/Seahawks
B-Reezy: Chiefs/Steelers/Panthers

No base trifecta points won.

Playoff Victory Points:

Patriots, Cardinals, Panthers, and Broncos (2 points each) to the sponsoring Analysts.

Reverse PCFecta Trifecta Points:

Broncos 23 – 16 Steelers  = 2  points (best defense) for Big Tuna.
Panthers 31 – 24 Seahawks = 1 point (best offense) for The Bookie.
Patriots 27 – 20 Chiefs = 0 points for Little Tuna.
Cardinals 26 – 20 Packers = 0 points for Wise Orangutan.

Player Hater Trifecta Points:


Seeder Redux Trifecta Points:


Trifecta Points Awarded for the Leg

Pick Results | Super Trifecta Bowl II | Divisional Round
Pick Results after the Divisional Round of Super Trifecta Bowl II

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Picks | Super Trifecta Bowl II | Wildcard Round

The Picks:

The Bookie:  Seahawks/Chiefs/Steelers (10 possible)
The Big Tuna:  Bengals/Seahawks/Packers (7 possible)
The Little Tuna:  Bengals/Chiefs/Packers (5 possible)
Wise Orangutan:  Seahawks/Chiefs/Packers (8 possible)
The Strategist:  Chiefs/Steelers/Packers (12 possible)
Kal Krome:  Seahawks/Steelers/Redskins (14 possible)
Minds Blank:  Packers/Steelers/Seahawks (14 possible)
B-Reezy:  Vikings/Packers/Steelers (11 possible)

The Results:

The Bookie:  Seahawks/Chiefs/Steelers (3 base trifecta points)
The Big Tuna:  Bengals/Seahawks/Packers
The Little Tuna:  Bengals/Chiefs/Packers
Wise Orangutan:  Seahawks/Chiefs/Packers (3 base trifecta points)
The Strategist:  Chiefs/Steelers/Packers (3 base trifecta points)
Kal Krome:  Seahawks/Steelers/Redskins
Minds Blank:  Packers/Steelers/Seahawks (3 base trifecta points)
B-Reezy:  Vikings/Packers/Steelers

Playoff Victory Points:

Chiefs, Seahawks, and Packers (1 point)

Reverse PCFecta Trifecta Points:

Chiefs 30 – 0 Texans = 2 points (best defense) for The Strategist.
Packers 35 – 18 Redskins = 1 point (best offense) for Minds Blank.
Seahawks 10 – 9 Vikings = 0 points for Kal Krome.

Player Hater Trifecta Points:


Seeder Redux Trifecta Points:

Seahawks (3 points)
Steelers (3 points)
Packers (1 point)
Chiefs (1 point)

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