Player Haters Preakness IV | Leg 3 Picks

The Analysts’ Picks Are In:

The Bookie: Cowboys/Rams*/Saints*
The Big Tuna: Cowboys/Rams*/Saints*
Little Tuna: Steelers/Rams*/Giants*
Wise Orangutan: Cardinals/Saints*/ Giants*
The Strategist: Panthers/Steelers/Saints*
Kal Krome: Seahawks/49ers*/Saints*
B-Reezy: Steelers/Cowboys/Saints*
Atwork: Packers/Steelers/Rams*
Craft Brew: Panthers/Cowboys/Saints*

!Featured Analyst of the Week!


Five-Time Crown Winner!

Our Celebrity Analyst Roasters:
The Bookie: “Little Tuna, Also known as Little Scar-kist Tuna in Foxborough is truly one of our greatest Analyst. In fact she tells me how great she is over and over and over each week when she makes her picks. When she fails to make her trifecta instead of admitting her little scales are flaking and that she’s getting moldy she includes everyone in her dismissal of why she’s not winning anymore. Let me quote her last week email.
“How is it that WE get worse through the year?!?!??”
I don’t think Atwork or The Strategist feel that way. And now that the Dallas Cowboys are her home team, Big Tuna reports Little Tuna is now bilingual during the football games. She’s speaks both English and profanity!”

Big Tuna: “I am not saying a word. The woman cooks my food.”
The Bookie: “Afraid, are we?”
Big Tuna: “Hell yeah. Look at her!”

Wise Orangutan: “Miss the opportunity to roast Little Tuna, hell no! I mean, with 5 Crowns, she is the best Analyst, yes? Well, I mean, if you take away the wins with the Cheatriots, she has only one win really. And she may think she is getting worse at picking, but that first year she played without the Cheatriots she had only 3 trifectas in the Analyst of the Year Race. If you think about it, better or worse is all relative to whether she owns the Cheatriots or not…. either way, she is just really bad at picking games!”

The Strategist: What?! Roast tuna? Y’all must be from Alabama! Pats revenge is a dish best served cold and I love, love love me some spicy tuna roll!

Kal Krome: “My advice for Little Tuna is if she wants to start winning races again she better start relieving herself before the race rather than stopping so frequently to “squirt in the dirt”!”

B-Reezy: “Little Tuna, she married a butcher’s cut!”

Craft Brew: Sound of empty Craft Brew bottles hitting the waves.

Atwork: Sound of crickets chirping.

The Results Are (Coming) In:

The Bookie: Cowboys/Rams*/Saints* (2 points)
The Big Tuna: Cowboys/Rams*/Saints* (2 points)
Little Tuna: Steelers/Rams*/Giants*
Wise Orangutan: Cardinals/Saints*/ Giants*
The Strategist: Panthers/Steelers/Saints*
Kal Krome: Seahawks/49ers*/Saints*
B-Reezy: Steelers/Cowboys/Saints* (1 point)
Atwork: Packers/Steelers/Rams*
Craft Brew: Panthers/Cowboys/Saints*

Player Hater combinations:

Perfect Player Hater Trifecta: None.

2-Point Player Hater Trifecta: Rams, Saints, and any winning Home Team.

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Player Haters Preakness IV | Leg 2 Picks

The Analysts’ Picks Are In:

The Bookie: Texans/Chiefs*/Ravens*
The Big Tuna: Texans/Vikings*/Ravens*
Little Tuna: Texans/Buccaneers*/Ravens*
Wise Orangutan: Cardinals/Ravens*/Chiefs*
The Strategist: Texans/Chiefs*/Ravens*
Kal Krome: Buccaneers*/Eagles*/Chiefs*
B-Reezy: Bears/Packers/Chiefs*
Atwork: Packers/Chiefs*/Ravens*
Craft Brew: Texans/Chiefs*/Ravens*

I bought a horse. In its first race it went out 25 to 1. The only problem is that all the other horses left at 12:30.

It would have been a photo finish, but by the time my horse finished, it was too dark to take a picture.

My horse came in so late the jockey was wearing pajamas.

The horse I bet on was so slow, the jockey kept a diary of the trip.

The Results Are In:

The Bookie: Texans/Chiefs*/Ravens*
The Big Tuna: Texans/Vikings*/Ravens*
Little Tuna: Texans/Buccaneers*/Ravens*
Wise Orangutan: Cardinals/Ravens*/Chiefs*
The Strategist: Texans/Chiefs*/Ravens*
Kal Krome: Buccaneers*/Eagles*/Chiefs*
B-Reezy: Bears/Packers/Chiefs*
Atwork: Packers/Chiefs*/Ravens*
Craft Brew: Texans/Chiefs*/Ravens*

Player Hater combinations:

Perfect Player Hater Trifecta: None

2-Point Player Hater Trifecta: Eagles, Vikings, plus other four Home Teams

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Player Haters Preakness IV | Leg 1 Picks

The Analysts’ Picks Are In:

The Bookie: Bengals/Chiefs*/Eagles*
The Big Tuna: Seahawks/Vikings*/Bills*
Little Tuna: Cowboys/Chiefs*/Eagles*
Wise Orangutan: Lions*/Rams*/Bills*
The Strategist: Chiefs*/Vikings*/Eagles*
Kal Krome: Seahawks/Chiefs*/Vikings*
B-Reezy: Steelers/Rams*/Chiefs*
Atwork: Packers/Chiefs*/Bills*
Craft Brew: Chiefs*/Vikings*/Eagles*

!!Featured Analyst of the Week!!

Atwork — PC-Fecta Derby IV Winner

Our Celebrity Analyst Roasters:

The Bookie: “BREAKING NEWS from WFTL NEWS ~ Packers football practice was delayed this morning for nearly two hours. One of the players, while on the way to the locker room happened to look down and notice a suspicious looking, unknown white powdery substance on the practice field. Head Coach Mike McCarthy immediately suspended practice while the FBI was called in to investigate. After a complete field analysis, the FBI determined that the white substance unknown to the players was actually the goal line. Practice resumed when FBI Special Agents decided that the team was not likely to encounter the substance again.”
” Atworks’ love of toilet paper, packing and storing it, has led him to this lowliness, the Acme Packers.”

Little Tuna: “Late one night Atwork was sitting in a basement in the “Circle” with his friends. Can’t say who because of the “haze”. Then Atwork says “Man! I need some cheese. Like a big wedge. Hey! It would look good on my head!” Followed by a fit of giggling.
And that is a common tale of how anyone could choose the Packers.”

Big Tuna: Walks up to the mike. “Runt.” Scoffs and walks away.

Wise Orangutan: “Atwork, you won the PC-Fecta Derby!
Atwork: What about Bryan?”
Wise O.: Bryan did not win…
Atwork: I shouldn’t have to win if Bryan does not have to!

The Strategist: “When he was young, I knew Atwork would be a handful when he was playing in a sandbox and the cat kept covering him up.”

Kal Krome: “When I met Matthew he was in between jobs so I suggested he finds a job he enjoys doing as he’ll be doing it for a very long time. But little did I know he’d become good as a football analysts and take my money!!!”

Craft Brew: “I said Black and Gold not Green and Gold.”

B-Reezy: “What is best in life? To crush your enemies, to see them driven before you, and to hear the Lamentations of their women.”

The Results Are In:

The Bookie: Bengals/Chiefs*/Eagles* (2 points)
The Big Tuna: Seahawks/Vikings*/Bills*
Little Tuna: Cowboys/Chiefs*/Eagles*
Wise Orangutan: Lions*/Rams*/Bills*
The Strategist: Chiefs*/Vikings*/Eagles* (3 points)
Kal Krome: Seahawks/Chiefs*/Vikings* (2 points)
B-Reezy: Steelers/Rams*/Chiefs*
Atwork: Packers/Chiefs*/Bills*
Craft Brew: Chiefs*/Vikings*/Eagles* (3 points)

Player Hater combinations:

Combination of any three: Jaguars, Eagles, Chiefs, and Vikings.


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PC-Fecta Derby IV | Leg 4 Picks

The Analysts’ Picks Are In:

The Bookie: Bengals/Cowboys/Patriots
The Big Tuna: Cowboys/Seahawks/Bengals
Little Tuna: Cowboys/Packers/Bengals
Wise Orangutan: Cardinals/Packers/Seahawks
The Strategist: Panthers/Packers/Steelers
Kal Krome: Seahawks/Packers/Patriots
B-Reezy: Bears/Seahawks/Steelers
Atwork: Packers/Seahawks/Bengals
Craft Brew: Steelers/Packers/Patriots

!!Featured Analyst of the Week!!

Craft Brew — Our Connoisseur of Gastronomy

Our Celebrity Analyst Roasters:

The Bookie: “When you’re alone and read something funny you tend to muffle the sound of your laughter. Last month I read something where I couldn’t contain the laughter. Hysterically I read it twice. It was a message from Craft Brew: “I would like to select the Steelers as my Home Team.” Right about now I know you are all laughing hysterically. Please try to contain yourselves!”

Little Tuna: “Y’all know Craft Brew’s from Kentucky? I heard the Governors mansion burnt down last night. Damn near took out the whole trailer park!”

Big Tuna: Rolls his eyes. Shakes his head. “nOOb.”

Wise Orangutan: “I have heard from the Strategist that Craft Brew comes from a family of big drinkers. When he was a kid, his parents thought they lost him one night at the tavern. After they pasted his junior high picture on an empty can of Schlitz, the waitress rolled her eyes and gestured to the corner booth!”

The Strategist: “If Craft Brew was as good at picking beer as he is at the football horse race, he’d be drinking Miller High Life (oh wait…I think I saw him drinking a pony…he knows what I’m talking about!)”

Kal Krome: “I heard the grass is greener on the other side and now I’m out in greener pastures and my mind is truly blank! Good Luck Craft Brew.”

Atwork: “Crickets Chirping”


The Results Are In:

The Bookie: Bengals/Cowboys/Patriots
The Big Tuna: Cowboys/Seahawks/Bengals
Little Tuna: Cowboys/Packers/Bengals
Wise Orangutan: Cardinals/Packers/Seahawks (1 point)
The Strategist: Panthers/Packers/Steelers (1 point)
Kal Krome: Seahawks/Packers/Patriots
B-Reezy: Bears/Seahawks/Steelers
Atwork: Packers/Seahawks/Bengals (4 points)
Craft Brew: Steelers/Packers/Patriots

Top teams among trifecta winners:

Three trifectas this week by Atwork, The Strategist, and Wise Orangutan. And the Bonus points are awarded to:

Top offensive team (+2): Packers (35 points)

Top defensive team (+1): Packers (14 points)



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PC-Fecta Derby IV | Week 3 Picks

The Analysts picks are in:

The Bookie: Bengals/Raiders/Steelers
The Big Tuna: Raiders/Packers/Steelers
Little Tuna: Cowboys/Packers/Seahawks
Wise Orangutan: Raiders/Packers/Steelers
The Strategist: Panthers/Packers/Steelers
Kal Krome: Seahawks/Packers/Steelers
B-Reezy: Raiders/Cowboys/Packers
Atwork: Packers/Seahawks/Steelers
Craft Brew: Steelers/Packers/Raiders

!!Featured Analyst of the Week!!

B-REEZY, Analyst of the Year WFTL III

Our Celebrity Analyst Roasters:

The Bookie: “B-Reezy is truly an amazing analyst. Here’s an example.
B-Reezy: “I’ll take the Jets.
Bookie: “They’re not one of our teams.”
B-Reezy “Oh. The Packers?”
Bookie: “They’re on a Bye”.
B-Reezy: “Who’s playing?”
Then he’d get another trifecta. That’s Absolutely Amazing!”

Little Tuna: “On Dec.31, 1967 a man and a woman celebrated the Ice Bowl. Months later the Wise Orangutan was born. I wonder if its true that the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree? B-Reezy how did you celebrate winning your trophy?”

Big Tuna: Taps the microphone. (Feed back). “Johnny Appleseed.”

Craft Brew: “More Diapers! More Diapers!! MORE DIAPERS!!!”

Wise Orangutan: “I do not know how B-Reezy is picking these games correctly. When he was young, I tried to get him to watch the Chargers with me but he never got into football or learned anything about the game from me. After he joined the WFTL and picked the Bears as his Home Team, I knew immediately that he STILL did not know anything about football…”

The Strategist: “All I can say about B-Reezy is that he’s so broken up about losing Cutler he had to go and make his own crybaby.”

Kal Krome: “Uh, I’m sorry, my Minds Blank.”

Atwork: “Crickets chirping.”

The Results are in:

The Bookie: Bengals/Raiders/Steelers
The Big Tuna: Raiders/Packers/Steelers
Little Tuna: Cowboys/Packers/Seahawks
Wise Orangutan: Raiders/Packers/Steelers
The Strategist: Panthers/Packers/Steelers
Kal Krome: Seahawks/Packers/Steelers
B-Reezy: Raiders/Cowboys/Packers
Atwork: Packers/Seahawks/Steelers
Craft Brew: Steelers/Packers/Raiders

The Analysts wipe out down the backstretch. No trifectas in Leg 3 of PC-Fecta Derby IV.

Only three Home Teams won this past weekend — in head-to-head competitions!


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PC-Fecta Derby IV | Week 2 Picks

The Analysts picks are in:

The Bookie: Bengals/Cardinals/Raiders
The Big Tuna: Raiders/Cardinals/Cowboys
Little Tuna: Cowboys/Panthers/Packers
Wise Orangutan: Cardinals/Raiders/Seahawks
The Strategist: Panthers/Steelers/Seahawks
Kal Krome: Seahawks/Vikings/Jets
B-Reezy: Raiders/Seahawks/Panthers
Atwork: Packers/Seahawks/Steelers
Craft Brew: Panthers/Raiders/Buccaneers

!!Featured Analyst of the Week!!


Craft Brew: “I heard you bought a pressure cooker. You’re now eating off the ceiling!”

Big Tuna: “Bitch,” he giggled. Big Tuna then walked away with a wave of hand gestures reminiscent of Nixon.

Little Tuna: “The Bookie? Why the first time I met The Bookie, I thought it would be morally wrong to let this sucker keep her money.”

The Strategist: “As for the Bookie, great football analysts fall into two groups – some are amazingly talented and some are exceptional students…the Bookie is neither of these. In truth, it’s hard for me to say anything bad about the Bookie. I’m a nice person, the other analysts will say plenty of bad things about the Bookie and they are all true, but I’ll just say “good luck” while secretly hoping she finally loses that damn trophy.”

B-Reezy: “Can’t say anything bad about The Bookie but I’ll introduce our next Roaster The Wise Orangutan. Not sure how he got that name, when he’s angry he needs to repeat his point three times and still doesn’t get it across.”

Atwork: sound of “crickets chirping”

Kal Krome: sound of “horses neighing”

The Bookie: “Stick a fork in me. I’ve been ROASTED!!!”

The Results Are In:

Four more trifectas in Leg 2 of PC-Fecta Derby IV!

B-Reezy notches his second trifecta of the season, while Craft Brew earns his first ever trifecta! Both Analysts did not take their Home Teams in the second leg, so their trifectas are worth 1 point each.

The Strategist earns her first trifecta of the year and, with a strong defensive showing by her Home Team, earns the defensive bonus point (2 points total).

Wise Orangutan gutted out his sickly redbirds for his first trifecta of the year and gains 3 points in the second leg of the Derby after his Home Team scores a whoppin’ 13 points!

Big Tuna and Little Tuna saw their Cowboy horses wrangled, while Atwork’s Home Team packed it in on defense. The Bookie bungled her picks again, while Kal Krome’s attempt to hone his player hater strategy failed to yield results in the Derby.

The Bookie: Bengals/Cardinals/Raiders
The Big Tuna: Raiders/Cardinals/Cowboys
Little Tuna: Cowboys/Panthers/Packers
Wise Orangutan: Cardinals/Raiders/Seahawks (3 points)
The Strategist: Panthers/Steelers/Seahawks (2 points)
Kal Krome: Seahawks/Vikings/Jets
B-Reezy: Raiders/Seahawks/Panthers (1 point)
Atwork: Packers/Seahawks/Steelers
Craft Brew: Panthers/Raiders/Buccaneers (1 point)

Top teams among trifecta winners:

Top offensive team (+2): Cardinals (13 points!)

Top defensive team (+1): Panthers (3 points)

Craft Brew left a couple of bonus trifecta points on the table since he did not take his winning Steelers (26 points) in his trifecta this past week.

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PC-Fecta Derby IV | Week 1 Picks

The Analysts picks are in:

The Bookie: Bengals/Steelers/Cowboys
The Big Tuna: Raiders/Panthers/Falcons
The Little Tuna: Cowboys/Steelers/Packers
Wise Orangutan: Cardinals/Steelers/Panthers
The Strategist: Panthers/Bengals/Steelers
Kal Krome: Seahawks/49ers/Falcons
B-Reezy: Steelers/Panthers/Raiders
Atwork: Packers/Steelers/Falcons
Craft Brew: Steelers/Cardinals/Falcons

Welcome Craft “TheCrew” Brew!

Starting next week we will “Roast” one analyst each week.

After three seasons of bottling up our feelings for one another it’s time to let it out!

Next week we will “roast” our beloved two time Super Trifecta Bowl Trophy winner The Bookie. This year she’s going for the trophy trifecta.
I know this will be a difficult one but with next weeks picks include a snarky one liner. Subject to censorship. Lets keep this clean.

And the race is on!!🐴

The Results Are In:

Four trifectas in the first leg of the PC-Fecta Derby!

Big Tuna seeks to reclaim his Crown and scores three trifecta points in Leg 1 of the PC-Fecta Derby IV (1 base plus 2 offense bonus points).

Little Tuna desperately wants to prove she can win without the Cheatriots and spurs her Cowboys defense to a decisive victory. She holds second coming out of the first turn (1 base plus 1 defensive point).

Atwork gains his first trifecta of the year (1 point). Despite a strong showing on defense, Atwork’s Packers could not pull down the bonus point.

B-Reezy puts the other Analysts on notice that he will be vigorously defending his trophy this year after earning his first trifecta (1 point).

Atwork leads B-Reezy by a head among tiebreaker by virtue of correctly picking his Packers to win.

The rest of the field is off to a slow start, including the usual suspects (The Bookie and Wise Orangutan).


The Bookie: Bengals/Steelers/Cowboys
The Big Tuna: Raiders/Panthers/Falcons* (3 points)
The Little Tuna: Cowboys/Steelers/Packers* (2 points) 
Wise Orangutan: Cardinals/Steelers/Panthers
The Strategist: Panthers/Bengals/Steelers
Kal Krome: Seahawks/49ers/Falcons
B-Reezy: Steelers/Panthers/Raiders* (1 point)
Atwork: Packers/Steelers/Falcons* (1 point)
Craft Brew: Steelers/Cardinals/Falcons

Top teams among trifecta winners:

Top offensive team (+2): Raiders (26 points!)

Top defensive team (+1): Cowboys (3 points)

Final scores.



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Picks | Super Trifecta Bowl III | Championship Round

The Picks Are In

See the scenarios for the final three Analysts of the competition before the first two games of the Championship Round….

Picks | Super Trifecta Bowl III | Championship Round
Picks in the Championship Round of Super Trifecta Bowl III

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Picks | Super Trifecta Bowl III | Divisional Round

The Picks Are In

Picks | Super Trifecta Bowl III | Divisional Round
Picks in the Divisional Round of Super Trifecta Bowl III

The Pick Results Are In

The Bookie and The Strategist net their second trifectas of the postseason to move ahead of the competition.

Atwork and Little Tuna pick up two Correct Picks including their Home Teams. Big Tuna also picks two correctly.

The rest of the stumbled through the Divisional Round as their Home Teams faltered.

Pick Results | Super Trifecta Bowl III | Divisional Round
Pick Results after the Divisional Round of Super Trifecta Bowl III (2016-17)

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Picks | Super Trifecta Bowl III | Wildcard Round

The Picks Are In

Picks | Super Trifecta Bowl III | Wildard Round
Picks in the Wildcard Round of Super Trifecta Bowl III

The Results Are In

Big Tuna, The Bookie, Atwork, and The Strategist surge out of the first turn with correct trifectas. Wise O. and Kal Krome pick two correctly, while B-Reezy and Little Tuna  net only one correct pick each.

Last year, all of the road/away teams won. This year, NONE of the road/away teams won this year, so there are no upsets by home field advantage in the first round!

Pick Results | Super Trifecta Bowl III | Wildcard Round
Pick Results after the Wildcard Round of Super Trifecta Bowl III (2016-17)

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