The Entrants (by The Bookie)
Ladies and Gentlemen welcome to the second running of the Super Trifecta Bowl. This grueling next three week playoff race will bring us to the final leg of the season and the winning of World Football Analyst Championship Trophy.

B-Reezy’s BEARS threw too many Cutlers, The Strategist’s RAMS not wanting to ruin their 8/8 season lost their last game and Orangutan’s JETS (who are the Jets?) have all been put out to pasture.
B-Reezy aboard the Purple Bublicious VIKINGS, The Strategist on the Noble but are they Reidy? CHIEFS, and Orangutan on the We Would Have Won But He Hit Me CARDINALSÂ join Minds Blank on Pukey PACKERS, Kal Krome on Sea Sick SEA HAWKS, Big Tuna on But I Didn’t Inhale BRONCOS, Little Tuna on Cheating A Hole PATRIOTS and The Bookie on Arrogant, Bumptious, Cocky PANTHERS.
The gate number of the Analysts reflects placement in the Analyst of the Year II competition:

The Race Rules (by the Clearinghouse)
The revised and complete rules for Super Trifecta Bowl II may be found here.
In short form, the Analysts need only know four things:
1) A correct trifecta (3 picks) earns 3 points in the Wildcard round, 2 points in the Division round, and 1 point in the Championship round.
2) Super Trifecta Points are awarded for a Correct Pick regardless of earning the trifecta.
3) Each time their Home Team wins an Analyst earns Playoff Victory points. If the Analyst correctly picks his or her Home Team, Reverse PCFecta points also may be earned in the round.
4) Correctly picking un-owned teams earn Player Hater points and correctly picking lower seeded teams earn Seeder Redux points in each round.