Fibonacci Stakes VII
The Test of the Computations down the homestretch proves to be a real head scratcher for most Analysts! Seven Analysts earn 0 points, including the three front runners. The winner of Fibonacci Stakes VII is…
Craft Brew! With one of only three *base* Trifectas in Leg 5, he sprints past the competition with 21 points in the homestretch. He Wins with 51 points total. The Strategist limps across the line with an 8-point *lame* Trifecta, giving her just enough (36 points) to secure Place.
Wise Orangutan stalls at 33 points and drops into a three-way tie with Big Tuna (33 points) and The Bookie (33 points), from out of last place with 21-point *base* Trifecta. On second tiebreaker, The Bookie (3 Correct Home Team Picks) and Wise Orangutan (3 Correct Home Team Picks) outrun Big Tuna (2 Correct Home Team Picks) in fifth place. The Bookie (5 Fibonacci bonuses) and Wise Orangutan (5 Fibonacci bonuses) then tie for Show as there is no clear edge for either on third tiebreaker.
Roxy Trot adds a 16-point *base* Trifecta in the final push to earn sixth place at 31 points. Woody and Sponge Mom finish at 30 points each, Woody falling to seventh place two head lengths (2 Correct Picks vs. 0 Correct Picks) ahead of Sponge Mom in eighth place. Atwork nets a 13-point *lame* Trifecta to finish in ninth place at 25 points.
The back of the field struggled to find a second Correct Pick (0 points) in the homestretch. Little Tuna (24 points) falls into tenth place, B-Reezy (19 points) to eleventh, KateTDid (16 points) to twelfth place, leaving Jimmy V (14 points) to close the gates at the finish line.
Trifecta Points
