Standings | Fibonacci Stakes V | Leg 1

Fibonacci Stakes V

Trifecta Points

The Strategist, Little Tuna and Roxy Trot take the early lead. The Strategist and Little Tuna tie for first with 1 Correct Home Team Pick. Roxy Trot is in third due to Home Team bye week.

Among the rest of the field, Big Tuna and Jimmy V have first tiebreaker over one other Analyst and 1 Correct Home Team Pick each.

B-Reezy, The Bookie, and Sponge Mom net 1 Correct Home Team Pick.

Craft Brew, Wise O., and Atwork bring up the rear.

Fibonacci Stakes V | Standings | Leg 1
Standings after Leg 1 of Fibonacci Stakes V


Fibonacci Stakes V | Tiebreakers | Leg 1
Tiebreakers after Leg for Fibonacci Stakes V

Bye weeks for Home Teams are grayed out (Table 2).

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