Fibonacci Stakes, 2015-16
Final Standings
Another come from behind victory in the Fibonacci Stakes!
Heading into the final leg, The Bookie and B-Reezy were in fierce competition for first place. The Bookie stuck with the same three teams in Leg 5 to hold off the competition with 8 more points. B-Reezy changed one selection to include the Vikings in head-to-head competition with the Hawks for 7 more points. Kal Krome, who trailed The Bookie and B-Reezy by one length and needed help to overtake the leaders, changed two picks and rode for only 6 more points.
After the Patriots spill against Eagles and the Bears failure to kick enough dirt to hold off the 49ers, Kal Krome sprinted from the outside to take first place with 11 points!
Closing strong in the final leg, Minds Blank rode her Packers to 8 points to take 2nd place (based on second tiebreaker). The Strategist also held her teams in Leg 5 to finish with 8 points and third place (based on third tiebreaker). Big Tuna, sticking with his three teams, also finished strong with 8 points and fourth place.
Wise Orangutan lumbered into 5th place with 7 points. The Bookie and B-Reezy, winded in the final stretch, finish in 6th and 7th place, respectively.
Ah, Little Tuna…. What can we say. An 8th place finish after her dastardly Patriots collapse on special teams play. If only Tom Terrific could play defense and special teams…. No, wait, he threw a hundred yard pick-six and made one of the most awkward attempts at a tackle ever captured on film. Perhaps, next month!
Trifecta Points
