Seeders’ Cup III | Week 14 Picks

Playoff Scenarios | Additional Score Potential

In The Seeders’ Cup, correct picks may award Seed Points, or “additional scoring,” if the team earns a playoff spot. The additional scores by playoff seeding are:

Clinch playoff berth (wildcard) = 2 points.
Clinch division title = 3 points.
Clinch a first-round bye in the playoffs = 4 points.
Clinch home field advantage in playoffs = 5 points.

Current playoff standings and playoff scenarios can be found online courtesy of CBS Sports.

The following teams have a chance to earn Seeder Points with a win:

New England = 3 or 4
Oakland = 2
Cowboys = 3, 4, or 5
Seattle = 3

That is four options for up to 14 points.

See the CBS scenarios to see which other teams must lose or tie for the above teams to secure playoff seeding.

Thursday Night Game Picks Are In…

The Bookie: –
Big Tuna: Raiders
Little Tuna: Raiders
Wise Orangutan: Chiefs
The Strategist: Raiders
Kal Krome: Raiders
B-Reezy: Raiders
Atwork: –

Thursday Night Game Pick Results

The Bookie: –
Big Tuna: Raiders
Little Tuna: Raiders
Wise Orangutan: Chiefs
The Strategist: Raiders
Kal Krome: Raiders
B-Reezy: Raiders
Atwork: –

Chiefs win… Wise Orangutan moves into scoring range, but needs at least one more correct pick. Five Analysts struggle to the move the ball in the first quarter (1 Incorrect Pick), but they can score a Field Goal (2 Correct Picks) and Additional Points with the Cowboys, Patriots, or Seahawks on Sunday. Two Analysts are playing a late game and have time to script the first three Picks of their game!

Analysts will submit the remaining picks on Saturday.

Learn more about our Pro Pick ‘Em Fantasy Football League from the Slate of Game for The Seeders’ Cup III.


Sunday Game Day Picks Are In:

The Bookie: Ravens/Cowboys/Lions (Touchdown possible)
Big Tuna: Raiders/Cowboys/Patriots (Field Goal possible)
Little Tuna: Cowboys/Raiders/Seahawks (Field Goal possible)
Wise Orangutan: Chiefs/Seahawks/Lions (Touchdown possible)
The Strategist: Raiders/Lions/Vikings (Field Goal possible)
Kal Krome: Seahawks/Raiders/Giants (Field Goal possible)
B-Reezy: Lions/Raiders/Patriots (Field Goal possible)
Atwork: Vikings/Lions/Cowboys (Touchdown possible)

Race Day Notes

For the next 8 weeks The Bookie will ask an Analyst to reflect on your strategies and how they are working.

Our fourth muse will be from Kal Krome

Kal Krome: “Do you really want to take a Thursday game? That’s what I ask myself but the way I see it when I take a Thursday game and lose at least on Sunday I’m not worried about the scores and can do my chores and feed the horses while the sun is up.”

The Bookie: “Well, not this time Kal. New rules for the analyst that took the Raiders and lost. Each week will be a quarter of a football game. So this week is just the first quarter. You can still score a Field Goal with 2 correct picks!! There’s three more quarters left in this game. You’ll be watching football all day Sunday. The fat lady hasn’t sung yet!!”

Learn more about our Pro Pick ‘Em Fantasy Football League from the Slate of Game for The Seeders’ Cup III.

Sunday Early Game Day Pick Results:

The Bookie: Ravens/Cowboys/Lions (Touchdown possible)
Big Tuna: Raiders/Cowboys/Patriots (Field Goal possible)
Little Tuna: Cowboys/Raiders/Seahawks (Field Goal possible)
Wise Orangutan: Chiefs/Seahawks/Lions (At least a Field Goal, 3 Points)
The Strategist: Raiders/Lions/Vikings (Field Goal, 3 Points)
Kal Krome: Seahawks/Raiders/Giants (Field Goal possible)
B-Reezy: Lions/Raiders/Patriots (Field Goal possible)
Atwork: Vikings/Lions/Cowboys (At least a Field Goal, 3 Points)

The Strategist drives for a Field Goal (3 points) with the Vikings and Lions wins, Atwork and Wise Orangutan are in Field Goal range, with their drives for Touchdowns still possible.

With the Dolphins win over the Cardinals, the Patriots will not earn additional scores. The Seahawks can now clinch their division for three additional points with a win.

With the Lions win, the Cowboys can no longer clinch a first-round bye, so they also are worth three additional points with a win.

Learn more about our Pro Pick ‘Em Fantasy Football League from the Slate of Game for The Seeders’ Cup III.

Sunday SNF Pick Scenarios:

The Bookie: Ravens/Cowboys/Lions (Touchdown possible)
Big Tuna: Raiders/Cowboys/Patriots (Field Goal possible)
Little Tuna: Cowboys/Raiders/Seahawks
Wise Orangutan: Chiefs/Seahawks/Lions (Field Goal, 3 Points)
The Strategist: Raiders/Lions/Vikings (Field Goal, 3 Points)
Kal Krome: Seahawks/Raiders/Giants
B-Reezy: Lions/Raiders/Patriots (Field Goal possible)
Atwork: Vikings/Lions/Cowboys (At least a Field Goal, 3 Points)

After the Seahawks’ drubbing in Green Bay, Little Tuna and Kal Krome will have a scoreless first quarter as they both make two Incorrect Picks (InPs!).

Earlier in the day, The Strategist drove for a Field Goal (3 points) with the Vikings and Lions wins. Wise Orangutan’s drive stalls as the Packers sink the Hawks, so he also settles for a Field Goal (3 points).

Tonight, three Analysts pick the Cowboys to beat the Giants.

Big Tuna needs the Cowboys to win in order to get his first quarter drive going. The Bookie can move into position for a Field Goal and a second Field Goal (additional score from Cowboys division title) if the Cowboys beat the Giants.

Atwork, however, currently has the highest powered offense in the first quarter. A win by the Cowboys will net him a Touchdown drive (6 points), a two-point conversion (Vikings Win and Pick), and a Field Goal off a turnover (additional score for Cowboys division title) for a total of 11 points in the first quarter.

Learn more about our Pro Pick ‘Em Fantasy Football League from the Slate of Game for The Seeders’ Cup III.

Sunday SNF Pick Results:

The Bookie: Ravens/Cowboys/Lions (Field Goal possible)
Big Tuna: Raiders/Cowboys/Patriots (Drive Fails, 0 Points)
Little Tuna: Cowboys/Raiders/Seahawks (Drive Fails, 0 Points)
Wise Orangutan: Chiefs/Seahawks/Lions (Field Goal, 3 Points)
The Strategist: Raiders/Lions/Vikings (Field Goal, 3 Points)
Kal Krome: Seahawks/Raiders/Giants (Drive Fails, 0 Points)
B-Reezy: Lions/Raiders/Patriots (Field Goal possible)
Atwork: Vikings/Lions/Cowboys (Field Goal, 3 Points)

Atwork settles for a Field Goal and The Bookie’s drive stalls in Field Goal territory.

The Bookie and B-Reezy line up for a field goal kick tomorrow night, but only one can be true!

The professional football teams in position to clinch playoff seeds falter in the first quarter, and kicking field goals wins games (this week)!

Learn more about our Pro Pick ‘Em Fantasy Football League from the Slate of Game for The Seeders’ Cup III.

ESPN’s MNF Pick Scenarios:

The Bookie: Ravens/Cowboys/Lions (Field Goal possible)
Big Tuna: Raiders/Cowboys/Patriots (Drive Fails, 0 Points)
Little Tuna: Cowboys/Raiders/Seahawks (Drive Fails, 0 Points)
Wise Orangutan: Chiefs/Seahawks/Lions (Field Goal, 3 Points)
The Strategist: Raiders/Lions/Vikings (Field Goal, 3 Points)
Kal Krome: Seahawks/Raiders/Giants (Drive Fails, 0 Points)
B-Reezy: Lions/Raiders/Patriots (Field Goal possible)
Atwork: Vikings/Lions/Cowboys (Field Goal, 3 Points)

ESPN reports that there are no longer any playoff scenarios for the teams tonigh:

As a result, The Bookie and B-Reezy line up to kick field goals tonight, but only one can be true!

Either way, we will have a four-way tie after the first quarter of the Playoff-Caliber Game!

Learn more about our Pro Pick ‘Em Fantasy Football League from the Slate of Game for The Seeders’ Cup III.

Week 14 Final Pick Results:

The Bookie: Ravens/Cowboys/Lions (Drive Fails, 0 Points)
Big Tuna: Raiders/Cowboys/Patriots (Drive Fails, 0 Points)
Little Tuna: Cowboys/Raiders/Seahawks (Drive Fails, 0 Points)
Wise Orangutan: Chiefs/Seahawks/Lions (Field Goal, 3 Points)
The Strategist: Raiders/Lions/Vikings (Field Goal, 3 Points)
Kal Krome: Seahawks/Raiders/Giants (Drive Fails, 0 Points)
B-Reezy: Lions/Raiders/Patriots (Field Goal, 3 Points)
Atwork: Vikings/Lions/Cowboys (Field Goal, 3 Points)

B-Reezy kicks a field goal. Bookie shanks her attempt.

We will have a four-way tie after the first quarter of the Playoff-Caliber Game!

Learn more about our Pro Pick ‘Em Fantasy Football League from the Slate of Game for The Seeders’ Cup III.

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