Heading into the Final Game of the Week…
Three Analysts remained in contention after the early games: 1) Big Tuna, winner of the first PC-Fecta Derby, 2) Minds Blank, and 3) Wise Orangutan. For the first time in World Football Trifecta Leagues, a tie game in professional football could have determined the outcome of a Race:

The Winner Is…
Wise Orangutan!
The final results in the first Player Haters Preakness are Wise Orangutan (7), Big Tuna (6), and Minds Blank (5) by a nose over Kal Krome (5) by virtue of second tiebreaker (home team selections).
In October, the Rams, Bears, Titans, and Falcons served up plenty of Player Hater goodness to the opposing Analysts! For home team selections, Minds Blank and The Orangutan tied. Minds Blank led in the third tiebreaker as the Packers forced two turnovers per game.
Final Results