Current Standings | Player Haters Preakness VIII

Little Tuna, the Defending Champion, leads headed into Leg 4. So far, among the five Analyst on the the leaderboard, we have two Player Haters who have earned *bonus* points (Little Tuna and Roxy Trot) and three Streakers who have earned only *base* points (Craft Brew, Jimmy V, and Mo Money) in the first three Legs.
The maximum *base* points over five Legs is 30 points. If the streakers close out, the Haters and the rest of the field will need Player Hater *bonus* points to close the distance or to reach 31+ points.
The most an Analyst may earn in a single week is 18 points with a Perfect Player Haters Trifecta (3 non-Home Teams Win). To be in contention for the Win in Leg 5, an Analyst must be within 18 points after Leg 4.
Little Tuna is the only Analyst who can eliminate all other Analysts, but if and only if she earns a Perfect Player Haters Trifecta (+18) and the other Analysts earn no points!
The Analysts with 12 or fewer points face elimination if any of the Analysts at 18 points or more reach 30+ points (tiebreakers will likely favor the leaders). In the near turn (Leg 4), however, not even Bookie is eliminated! She can still finish with 36 points if her Perfect Player Hater strategy pays off in the final two Legs!