Current Standings | Player Haters Preakness VI

Atwork has a 9-point lead (more than a *base* Trifecta) on his nearest challengers. B-Reezy and The Bookie currently have a 3-to-6 point lead on most of the field for Place.
The Slate of Games in Leg 4 presents two problems. First, there are only 4 games featuring un-Claimed teams so a Player Haters Trifecta for 12- or 18- points will be less likely. But also, with four head-to-head games and eight games total, a *lame* Trifecta for 3 points may be more difficult for the leaders.
Eighteen points is the maximum possible in a Leg of the Player Haters Preakness, and that is only possible with 3 Player Hater Picks.
For the Win: The Strategist and KateTDid are eliminated.
Atwork is in a strong position due to the Slate of Games and his 9-point lead with 3 Correct Home Team Picks. He can eliminate all Analysts with a 12-point Trifecta (2 Player Haters), but a *lame* Trifecta for 3 points is almost as unbeatable due to Atwork‘s tiebreaker advantages. Only B-Reezy, The Bookie, Craft Brew* and Roxy Trot* can best him and only with a Perfect Player Haters Trifecta (18 points) if he earns 3 points. [*The Packers must lose to the Chiefs in Leg 4 for either to have a possibility to win on tiebreakers.]
If Atwork earns 0 points this week, then…B-Reezy and The Bookie can Win with a 12-point Player Haters Trifecta (two Haters). Craft Brew needs a 12-point Player Haters Trifecta AND the Chiefs to beat the Packers. All other Analysts with 6 points require a Perfect Players Haters Trifecta (18 points) to Win.
For the Place: No Analyst is eliminated.
Atwork is assured of a Place unless two or more Analysts earn Player Haters Trifectas (see above). Otherwise, The Bookie and B-Reezy have the inside rail, while Craft Brew and Roxy Trot have the outside rail. The Bookie currently has the tiebreaker advantage, so she only needs to outscore B-Reezy AND hold onto her tiebreaker advantage (+1 Correct Home Team Pick). B-Reezy needs to outscore The Bookie OR tie her with Correct Home Team Picks (+1) while holding onto the third tiebreaker advantage (turnovers per game played). Craft Brew needs to outscore both by at least 3 more points in order to Place outright or to force a photo finish on tiebreakers (Correct Home Team Picks or turnovers per game played).
The rest of the field needs to overcome the 6+ point lead currently held by B-Reezy and The Bookie. If either scores any points or Craft Brew scores 6+ points, that will require a 12-to-18 point Player Haters Trifecta.
If the these three front running Analysts fail to score more than 12 points total after Leg 4, Place may come down to a photo finish on tiebreakers. A few Analysts have head-to-head advantages over particular Analysts in the event of a tie (first tiebreaker, see full Standings). Otherwise, a photo finish favors Roxy Trot who has the strongest tiebreaker record (3 Correct Home Team Picks and 4.0 turnovers per game played). Several other Analysts have 1 Correct Home Team Pick to their advantage and can add to that this week. The Strategist has the strongest position for third tiebreaker [5.0 turnovers per game played] heading into Leg 4. Tiebreakers are subject to change after Leg 4 games based on head-to-head outcomes, Picks, and turnovers forced by Home Teams.