Current Standings | PC-Fecta Derby V

Entering the backstretch, Little Tuna has eliminated The Strategist and leads all other Analysts by four points for the win. The Strategist currently holds place, but can only earn one more Trifecta point this week because her Home Team is on a bye week.
More than one Analyst can earn bonus points if two or more Home Teams have exactly the same offensive or defensive performance (scores). Scenarios are much messier than the following can account for in the case of ties for bonus points!
For the Place:
The Strategist’s Home Team is on a bye. She can finish with at best 2 Trifecta points, 2 Correct Home Team Picks, and +3.7 point differential per game. She can be outrun by any of the trailing Analysts who earns a 3-point Trifecta.
If Little Tuna takes the offensive bonus, other Analysts are competing for the defensive bonus to overtake or force a photo finish with The Strategist for place. If The Strategist does not get a Trifecta, the 2-point defensive bonus is enough to place.
In the event of a tie with The Strategist for place, The Bookie moves ahead due to the head-to-head tiebreaker. If tied, Big Tuna and Sponge Mom move ahead with a Trifecta that includes their Home Team.
All other Analysts need a second Correct Home Team Pick in the event of a tie with The Strategist. If multiple Analysts tie for place, Big Tuna and Sponge Mom have the advantage for Correct Home Team Picks, while other Analysts have head-to-head competitions that take first priority in specific photo finishes.
For the Win:
Little Tuna can only be beaten on tiebreakers and only if she does not earn any Trifecta points.
She currently has 1 Correct Home Team Pick and a -4.3 point differential per game–it is possible should an Analyst win all 4 points this week.
Big Tuna and Sponge Mom are in the strongest position with 2 Correct Home Team Picks (and will thus have 3 Correct Home Team Picks if either earns all 4 points this week).
All other Analysts currently with 1 Correct Home Team Pick must 1) equal Little Tuna in Trifecta points [4] AND b) best her in Correct Home Team Picks (1 or 2 depending on this week’s results) OR by point differential per game (currently -4.3). Atwork and Jimmy V are at a disadvantage for point differential at the moment but can overtake her with a Home Team win AND if Little Tuna’s Home Team loses by a touchdown or more.
Wise O. needs a) all 4 Trifecta points, b) Little Tuna’s Home Team to lose or not be picked, and c) a Home Team win by at least 20 points!
Box Out
See Leg 3 Scenarios. Analysts trailing in Trifecta points or Tiebreakers may be boxed out by an Analyst who enters the final Leg with a better position.