The Analysts picks are in:
The Bookie: Seahawks/Broncos*/Eagles*
Big Tuna: Saints*/Broncos*/Eagles*
LittleTuna: Cowboys/Broncos*/Buccaneers*
Wise Orangutan: Raiders/Vikings/Eagles*
The Strategist: Vikings/Seahawks/Eagles*
Kal Krome: Seahawks/Broncos*/Eagles*
B-Reezy: Raiders/Broncos*/Eagles*
Atwork: Vikings/Broncos*/Eagles*
* Denotes hater eligible pick.
Race Day Notes:
Each week the Bookie will interview one analysts.
This week the Bookie interviewed former Analyst of the Year, Minds Blank.
The Bookie: Thank you for speaking with us tonight. It’s well known you give very few interviews and you’re always at work. But, Atwork, there is one question all other Analysts would like to know, what formula did you use to pick the amazing Vikings for your home team?
Atwork: My formula for picking the Vikings is TOP SECRET. If I told anyone, everyone would know which team is going to win the Super Bowl!!
The Bookie: There you have it. Straight from the horses mouth!
The Results Are In!
The Bookie: Seahawks/Broncos*/Eagles*
Big Tuna: Saints*/Broncos*/Eagles*
LittleTuna: Cowboys/Broncos*/Buccaneers*
Wise Orangutan: Raiders/Vikings/Eagles*
The Strategist: Vikings/Seahawks/Eagles*
Kal Krome: Seahawks/Broncos*/Eagles*
B-Reezy: Raiders/Broncos*/Eagles*
Atwork: Vikings/Broncos*/Eagles*
The second wipe out of the Player Haters Preakness!
None of the Analyst earn trifecta points for the week, as only three Analysts get 2 Correct Picks, four Analysts get 1 Correct Pick, and one Analyst gets no Correct Picks.
In the fourth leg, only two haters won for a potential 2-point trifecta: Broncos*, Saints*, and Raiders/Cowboys/Bears.