Player Haters Preakness III | Week 7 Picks

The Analysts picks are in:

The Bookie: Packers*/Giants*/Raiders
Big Tuna: Raiders/Packers*/Rams
LittleTuna: Packers*/Falcons*/Jaguar*
Wise Orangutan: Packers*/Bills*/Vikings
The Strategist: Rams/Packers*/Bills*
Kal Krome: Seahawks/Packers*/Falcons*
B-Reezy: Vikings/Raiders/Rams
Atwork: Vikings/Seahawks/Dolphins

* Denotes hater eligible pick.

Race Day Notes:

Each week the Bookie will interview one analysts.
This week the Bookie interviewed former Analyst of the Year, Minds Blank.

The Bookie: Minds Blank, The Clearinghouse has raised the spectre of a trophy curse. As the first Analyst of the Year, would you like to dispel that malarky?

Minds Blank: …

The Bookie: Minds Blank?

Minds Blank: …

The Results Are In!

The Bookie: Packers*/Giants*/Raiders (2 points)
Big Tuna: Raiders/Packers*/Rams
LittleTuna: Packers*/Falcons*/Jaguar*
Wise Orangutan: Packers*/Bills*/Vikings
The Strategist: Rams/Packers*/Bills*
Kal Krome: Seahawks/Packers*/Falcons*
B-Reezy: Vikings/Raiders/Rams
Atwork: Vikings/Seahawks/Dolphins

The Bookie pockets her first trifecta of the year! WIth the exception of the Big Tuna, with two Correct Picks, the rest of the field continues to struggle with the simple concept of picking three winners!

For the third week in a row, no Analysts selected the potential 3-point trifecta: Packers, Giants, and Eagles in Leg 3.

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