Player Haters Preakness III | Week 5 Picks

The Analysts picks are in:

The Bookie: Colts*/Bengals*/Bills*
Big Tuna: Vikings/Bengals*/Bills*
LittleTuna: Cowboys/Colts*/Titans*
Wise Orangutan: Vikings/Colts*/Bills*
The Strategist: Rams/Colts*/Bengals*
Kal Krome: Bengals*/Titans*/Colts*
B-Reezy: Vikings/Raiders/Bills*
Atwork: Vikings/Rams/Bears

* Denotes hater eligible pick.

Race Day Notes:

Each week the Bookie will interview one analysts.
This week the Bookie interviewed B-Reezy.

Bookie: B-Reezy, you did extremely well in last months race with two trifectas. What’s your strategy for this years WFTL?

B-Reezy: My strategy is different from last year where I made a lot of my picks with my home team. I’m still a number 1 Bears fan but “Straight out, my strategy is, when I feel pretty sure I go for the trifecta. I’m going for the big one, Analysts of the Year Award. I HAVE MY EYE ON THE PRIZE!!! ”

The Results Are In!

The Bookie: Colts*/Bengals*/Bills*
Big Tuna: Vikings/Bengals*/Bills*
LittleTuna: Cowboys/Colts*/Titans* (2 points)
Wise Orangutan: Vikings/Colts*/Bills* (2 points)
The Strategist: Rams/Colts*/Bengals*
Kal Krome: Bengals*/Titans*/Colts*
B-Reezy: Vikings/Raiders/Bills* (1 point)
Atwork: Vikings/Rams/Bears

Little Tuna and Wise Orangutan take the early lead in the third annual Player Haters Preakness, each with 2 hater picks and 2-point trifectas. B-Reezy executes his annual strategy to perfection to earn a 1-point trifecta for third place around the first turn.

Little Tuna lasso’ed a number of Analysts in Leg 1 when the Bungles fell to the Cowboys. Atwork falters in the contests of four-legged beasts after the Buffalos defeat the Rams and Colts defeat the Bears.

No Analysts selected the potential 3-point trifecta of Colts, Titans, and Bills in Leg 1.

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