Picks and Standings

PC-Fecta Derby – Week 1 Picks

The Analysts picks are in:

The Bookie: Colts/Patriots/Seahawks

Big Tuna: Lions/Seahawks/Packers

Little Tuna: Patriots/Colts/Packers

Wise Orangutan: Chargers/Packers/Bills

The Strategist: Rams /Packers/Broncos

Kal Krome: Seahawks/Packers/Ravens

Minds Blank: Packers/Lions/Steelers

B-Reezy: Colts/Patriots/Seahawks


And they’re off!

And, the Results are in:

Wise Orangutan and The Strategist picked correct trifectas in Week 1 (1 point each). The Strategist’s Rams scored the most points (34), so she earns two bonus trifecta points. Big Tuna’s Broncos were the stingiest defense, so no Analyst earns the defensive bonus point.

The Bookie: Colts/Patriots/Seahawks

Big Tuna: Lions/Seahawks/Packers

Little Tuna: Patriots/Colts/Packers

Wise Orangutan: Chargers/Packers/Bills (1 point)

The Strategist: Rams /Packers/Broncos (3 points)

Kal Krome: Seahawks/Packers/Ravens

Minds Blank: Packers/Lions/Steelers

B-Reezy: Colts/Patriots/Seahawks


Top offensive team: Rams (34 points)

Top defensive team: Broncos (13 points)


Final scores.

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PC-Fecta Derby II – Slate of Games

The Entrants

The Analysts have selected their Home Teams to start the new season and the entrants for the PC-Fecta Derby are:

PC-Fecta Derby Analysts
The Analysts and their Home Teams for the Derby.

Slate of Games

PC-Fecta Derby Slate of Games
The Slate of Games for Four Legs of the PC-Fecta Derby.

The slate of games for the PC-Fecta Derby included 4 head-to-head competitions this month (first tiebreaker)! Kal Krome’s Seahawks face The Strategist’s Rams (week 1), Minds Blanks’s Packers (week 2), and B-Reezy’s Bears (week 3). Also in week 1, Minds Blanks’s Packers head to B-Reezy’s Bears.

Home teams owned by an Analyst are in bold. The team at the left is the visiting team; the team at the right is the host (playing at home). There are lots of featured games: two Thursday night, two Sunday night, and three Monday games.

The Patriots are on a Bye in week 4 – Little Tuna will not be able to earn PC-Fecta *bonus* points that week.


Remember: Every Analyst has a bias for his or her Home Team and may not pick the sponsored team to lose. Analysts do not have to pick his or her Home Team  to win, but *bonus* trifecta points are won only if Analysts include the Home Team in a winning trifecta. See the Derby Rules for more.

Email three picks to The Bookie before each leg (week) of the Race. The first picks are due on Wednesday, September 9.

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World Football Trifecta Championship 2015-16

Season II Preparations

To start the new season, The Bookie needs to know who is keeping their end-of-year horse and who is seeking to trade-up ponies. At the end of the regular season, the Analysts had these steeds:

The Bookie – Colts
Big Tuna – Broncos
Kal Krome – Seahawks
The Strategist – Rams
Little Tuna – Patriots
Minds Blank – Packers
Wise Orangutan – Chargers

The starters rarely play in the fourth game of preseason, so here are the key dates to start the new season:

After Preseason Week 2 (August 24) – Announce if you are releasing your current team.
After Preseason Week 3 (September 1) – Select a new team.
After Preseason Week 4 (September 8) – Send the Bookie your share of the Purse for the year

For Analysts who relinquish teams, new teams will be selected in reverse order of last year’s season standings:

1) Little Tuna (3 Trifectas, 32 Correct Picks) – coin flip if necessary
1) The Bookie (3 Trifectas, 32 Correct Picks) – coin flip if necessary
3) The Strategist (4 Trifectas)
4) Wise Orangutan (5 Trifectas)
5) Kal Krome (6 Trifectas, 34 Correct Picks)
6) Big Tuna (6 Trifectas, 35 Correct Picks)
7) Minds Blank (6 Trifectas, 38 Correct Picks)

New Analyst(s) pick before returning Analysts.

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Recap: Super Trifecta Bowl I

At the Start of the Championship Round…

Wise Orangutan, The Strategist, and Big Tuna were eliminated from the World Football Analyst Championship in the divisional round.  Unfortunately, for the three horseless Analysts, no un-owned teams remained from which to earn hater and seeder points against other Analysts with playoff contending teams.

The Bookie rode the Colts to a three point lead with their defeat of the Broncos. The hopes of Kal Krome and Minds Blank rested on the outcome of their Home Teams conference championship: Seahawks vs. Packers. Little Tuna, quietly practicing the deflation of footballs in a small closet in eastern Massachusetts, held third place to the start the conference championship weekend.

And the Winner Is…

Little Tuna!

The Little Tuna edged Kal Krome and The Bookie by a PCFecta: her Tunadipidity.  The first Horse’s Anal(yst) of the Year, Minds Blank, failed to place, but nonetheless honored her fine season.  The rest of our stupendous Analysts ran well enough to win one Race earlier in the season, but faltered down the stretch.

The final results of Super Trifecta Bowl I are found below.

Until next season, Analysts!

Final Standings – Super Trifecta Bowl I

1) Little Tuna, 14 points
2) The Bookie, 13 points (5 base trifecta points)
3) Kal Krome, 13 points (3 base trifecta points)
4) Minds blank, 9 points
5) Big Tuna, 2 points
t6) The Strategist, 1 point
t6) The Orangutan, 1 point

Super Trifecta Bowl I
Final Results for Super Trifecta Bowl I

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Recap: Season I – Analyst of the Year Award

Heading into the Final Week of the Racing Season…

Four Analysts remained in contention for the Analyst of the Year Award in the final week of the racing season.

Kal Krome, the only Analyst to earn Trifecta Points in every Race of the Quaternary Crown, held sole position of the lead with six trifectas. Minds Blank, Big Tuna, and The Orangutan tied with five trifectas. Minds Blank, who had never selected less than two correct winners each week, held the tiebreaker over the other two Analysts for second place. Big Tuna held the tiebreaker over The Orangutan for third place. Kal Krome held the inside position – if all contending Analysts failed to earn trifectas, then Kal held onto his lead.
Otherwise, the scenarios were:
Analyst of the Year I Final Week Scenarios
Final Week Scenarios for Season I – Analyst of the Year
Note: The Clearinghouse made an error. If Kal Krome missed his trifecta in Week 17, the other Analysts had their opportunity according to overall pick standings.

And, the Winner of the First Analyst of the Year Award Goes to…

Minds Blank!

Minds Blank, winner of the Seeders’ Cup, never picked less than two teams correctly over the course of the racing season. In a three way trifecta tie with Big Tuna and Kal Krome, she finishes in first place by a nose (38 correct picks). Big Tuna with 35 picks, and winner of the PC-Fecta Derby, edges Kal Krome with 34 picks to take second place.

The Orangutan, winner of the Player Haters Preakness, finishes in fourth place with 5 trifectas. The Strategist, winner of the Fibonacci Stakes, finishes in fifth with 4 trifectas.

The Bookie and Little Tuna finish in a tie for sixth place.

Final Results

Analyst of the Year I
Final Results for Season I – Analyst of the Year

For the record: Week 1 was not included in the Analyst of the Year standings. Kal Krome and Minds Blank entered the competition in Week 2. This is not without some controversy since Big Tuna correctly picked the most trifectas (7) over the entire 17 weeks. Perhaps there may be some bad blood between Big Tuna and Minds Blank heading into Season II…

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Recap: Season I – Seeders’ Cup

Heading into the Final Leg…

All Analysts were in contention for the Seeders’ Cup. The Clearinghouse outlined the football playoff scenarios:

Seeders Cup I Final Week Scenarios
Final Week Scenarios for Season I – Seeders Cup

The Winner Is…

Minds Blank!

Minds Blank takes the first Seeders Cup with 3 trifectas and 19 trifecta points. Big Tuna finishes strong with a 2nd trifecta and 12 points total. Kal Krome stumbles at the final turn and finishes in third place.

The rest of the field registered only one trifecta during the Seeders’ Cup. That is actually an improvement over the PC-Fecta Derby for two Analysts! The remaining Analysts will be fighting for their positions in training camp next season…

The Final Results

Seeders' Cup I
Final Results for Season I – Seeders’ Cup

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Recap: Season I – Fibonacci Stakes

Heading into the Final Week…

The first Fibonacci Stakes was a neck-and-neck contest between four Analysts. The Clearinghouse provided the following scenarios:

Fibonacci Stakes I Final Week Scenarios
The race scenarios heading into the final leg of the Fibonacci Stakes.

The Winner Is…

The Strategist!

The Strategist (10) sprints past the field in the final week to overtake Little Tuna (4) and put plenty of distance between herself and Kal Krome (3). Big Tuna, Minds Blank, and Wise Orangutan are headed back to the fourth grade for basic math skills.

Although the three Analysts selected new Home Teams (Chiefs, Steelers, and Patriots) with winning records heading into November, The Strategist rode her lovable losers, the Rams, to victory!

Final Results

Fibonacci Stakes I
Final Results for Season I – Fibonacci Stakes

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Recap: Season I – Player Haters Preakness

Heading into the Final Game of the Week…

Three Analysts remained in contention after the early games: 1) Big Tuna, winner of the first PC-Fecta Derby, 2) Minds Blank, and 3) Wise Orangutan. For the first time in World Football Trifecta Leagues, a tie game in professional football could have determined the outcome of a Race:

Player Haters Preakness I Final Game Scenarios
Final Game Scenarios for Season I – Player Haters Preakness

The Winner Is…

Wise Orangutan!

The final results in the first Player Haters Preakness are Wise Orangutan (7), Big Tuna (6), and Minds Blank (5) by a nose over Kal Krome (5) by virtue of second tiebreaker (home team selections).

In October, the Rams, Bears, Titans, and Falcons served up plenty of Player Hater goodness to the opposing Analysts! For home team selections, Minds Blank and The Orangutan tied. Minds Blank led in the third tiebreaker as the Packers forced two turnovers per game.

Final Results

Player Haters Preakness I
Final Results for Season I – Player Haters Preakness

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Recap: Season I – PC-Fecta Derby

The Winner Is…

The PCFecta Derby to kick off the racing season goes to none other than… The Big Tuna.

Minds Blank finished strong with a PC-Fecta in the fourth leg of the race to take second. Kal Krome, The Bookie, and the Orangutan showed some semblance of sentience, tying for third. The Little Tuna and the Strategist are only three weeks from automatic entry into the 2014 Upper Class Twit of the Year contest.

Among the football teams, the Falcons dominated September with two home wins and the most points per game (if only they could play on the road every game of the season). The Seahawks came in second by points per game. The Chargers show possibility with three wins and the best winning percentage. The Bears and Packers have potential, but inconsistency. The Rams and Titans are on bandwagon watch.

Final Results:

PC-Fecta Derby I
Final Results for Season I – PC-Fecta Derby

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