Picks and Standings

PC-Fecta Derby III | Week 2 Picks

The Analysts picks are in:

The Bookie: Seahawks/Chargers/Bears
Big Tuna: Raiders/Panthers/Vikings
LittleTuna: Panthers/Patriots/Packers
Wise Orangutan: Chargers/Panthers/Raiders
The Strategist: Rams/Panthers/Chargers
Kal Krome: Seahawks/Patriots/Vikings
Minds Blank: still blank
B-Reezy: Seahawks/Panthers/Raiders
Atwork: Vikings/Seahawks/Bears

Race Day Notes:

Each week the Bookie will interview one analysis.

This week the Bookie had an in-depth telephone interview with Kal Krome. When asked how he felt the Seattle Seahawks would do this year, he hemmed and hawed awhile then replied, “I’m just not good at these things. My “Minds Blank”.


The Results Are In!

The Strategist startles the field with a sprint along the inside rail to take all three *bonus* trifecta points in the PC-Fecta Derby III.

Big Tuna, Kal Krome, B-Reezy, Atwork, and Wise Orangutan jockey to hold their positions around the second turn.

The Bookie and Little Tuna pace Minds Blank, who remains out to pasture and is now listed as doubtful after Leg 2 of the PCFecta Derby.

The Bookie: Seahawks/Chargers/Bears
Big Tuna: Raiders/Panthers/Vikings
LittleTuna: Panthers/Patriots/Packers
Wise Orangutan: Chargers/Panthers/Raiders
The Strategist: Rams/Panthers/Chargers (4 points)
Kal Krome: Seahawks/Patriots/Vikings
Minds Blank: still blank
B-Reezy: Seahawks/Panthers/Raiders
Atwork: Vikings/Seahawks/Bears

Top teams among trifecta winners:

Top offensive team (+2): Rams (9 points!)

Top defensive team (+1): Rams (3 points)

Final scores.

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Standings | PC-Fecta Derby III | Leg 1

PC-Fecta Derby III

Trifecta Points

The Big Tuna surges around the first turn, trailed by Kal Krome and a trio of early contenders. The remainder of the Analysts are in the gates or out to graze! See the pick results.

PC-Fecta Derby III Standings | Leg 1
Standings for PC-Fecta Derby III after Leg 1


In the event of a tie at the end of the PC-Fecta Derby, Kal Krome holds a tiebreaker over The Bookie after the Seahawks defeat the Dolphins.

Second and third tiebreakers are too early to read at this time.

PC-Fecta Derby III | Tiebreakers | Leg 1
Tiebreakers for PC-Fecta Derby III after Leg 1

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PC-Fecta Derby III | Week 1 Picks

The Analysts picks are in:

The Bookie:  Dolphins/Chiefs/Packers
Big Tuna:  Raiders/Seahawks/Packers
Little Tuna:  Panthers/Titans/Packers
Wise Orangutan: Packers/Seahawks/Texans
The Strategist:  Rams/Seahawks/Chiefs
Kal Krome: Sea Hawk/Packers/Vikings
Minds Blank:  still blank
B-Reezy:  Packers/Seahawks/Raiders
Atwork:  49ers/Seahawks/Packers

Race Day Notes:

Each week the Bookie will interview one analysis. This week while visiting the home of Little Tuna I asked her what she predicts for the 2016/17 season.

Little Tuna  boasted that she will Sweep the games this year!!!  Quite a bold prediction from such a little fish.

Oddly her eyebrows looked wild, her hair combed over to cover some baldness and her face looked like she had stuck it in a Cheetos feed bag while wearing goggles.


The Results Are In!

Five Analysts surge out of the gates to notch their first trifectas of the new racing season!

Around the first turn, Big Tuna, who staked a dark horse – The Raiders – in the Derby, jumps out to a one length lead over the next closest Analyst after a 35 point outing (offensive bonus trifecta = 2) against the Saints. Kal Krome, with his stalwart Seahawks, defeats The Bookie’s Dolphins while displaying a dominant defensive (defensive bonus trifecta  = 1).

B-Reezy, Atwork, and Wise Orangutan — each passing on their horse this past week — pace themselves with safe trifecta picks (if there is such a thing).

The Bookie and The Strategist falter after their own horses stumble on the road, while Little Tuna’s effort to prove the horse does not make the Analyst suffers a setback. Minds Blank remains out to pasture and now is listed as questionable for Leg 2 of the PCFecta Derby.

The Bookie:  Dolphins/Chiefs/Packers
Big Tuna:  Raiders/Seahawks/Packers (3 points)
Little Tuna:  Panthers/Titans/Packers
Wise Orangutan: Packers/Seahawks/Texans (1 point)
The Strategist:  Rams/Seahawks/Chiefs
Kal Krome: Seahawk/Packers/Vikings (2 points)
Minds Blank:  still blank
B-Reezy:  Packers/Seahawks/Raiders (1 point)
Atwork:  49ers/Seahawks/Packers (1 point)


Top offensive team: Raiders (35 points)

Top defensive team: Seahawks (10 points)

Final scores.

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PC-Fecta Derby III – Slate of Games

The Entrants

The Analysts have selected their Home Teams to start the new season and the entrants for the PC-Fecta Derby are:

PC-Fecta Derby III | Slate of Analysts
Slate of Analysts and Home Teams for the PC-Fecta Derby III

Slate of Games

PC-Fecta Derby III | Slate of Games
PC-Fecta Derby III | Slate of Games

The slate of games for the PC-Fecta Derby included 4 head-to-head competitions this month (first tiebreaker)! Kal Krome’s Seahawks face The Bookie’s Dolphins (week 1) and The Strategist’s Rams (week 2). Newcomer, Vikings challenge Minds Blank’s Packers (week 2) and Little Tuna’s Panthers (week 3).

Home teams owned by an Analyst are in bold. The team at the left is the visiting team; the team at the right is the host (playing at home). There are a several featured games: one Thursday night, three Sunday night, and three Monday games.

The Packers are on a Bye in week 4 – Minds Blank will not be able to earn PC-Fecta *bonus* points that week.


Remember: Every Analyst has a bias for his or her Home Team and may not pick the sponsored team to lose. Analysts do not have to pick his or her Home Team  to win, but *bonus* trifecta points are won only if Analysts include the Home Team in a winning trifecta. See the Derby Rules for more.

Email three picks to The Bookie before each leg (week) of the Race. The first picks are due on Wednesday, September 7.

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World Football Trifecta Championship 2016-17

WFTL Season III Preparations

To start the new season, The Bookie needs to know who is keeping their end-of-year horse and who is seeking to trade-up ponies. At the end of the regular season, the Analysts had these steeds:

The Bookie – Panthers
Big Tuna – Broncos
Kal Krome – Seahawks
The Strategist – Rams
Little Tuna – Patriots
Minds Blank – Packers
Wise Orangutan – Jets
B-Reezy – Bears

The starters rarely play in the fourth game of preseason, so here are the key dates to start the new season:

After Preseason Week 2 (August 24) – Announce if you are releasing your current team.
After Preseason Week 3 (August 31) – Select a new team.
After Preseason Week 4 (September 7) – Send the Bookie your share of the Purse for the year

For Analysts who relinquish teams, new teams will be selected in reverse order of last year’s season standings:

1) Minds Blank (2 Trifectas, 30 Correct Picks) – coin flip if necessary
1) B-Reezy (2 Trifectas, 30 Correct Picks) – coin flip if necessary
3) Kal Krome (4 Trifectas, 30 correct picks)
4) Wise Orangutan (4 Trifectas, 32 correct picks)
5) Big Tuna (4 Trifectas, 33 Correct Picks)
6) The Bookie (5 Trifectas, 32 Correct Picks)
7) The Strategist (6 Trifectas, 36 Correct Picks)
8) Little Tuna (7 Trifectas, 37 correct picks

New Analyst(s) will pick before returning Analysts.

Riders Up!

Which Analyst will add his or her Thoroughbred’s name to the most illustrious trophy in sports analysis at the end of the year?

Champions' Names Etched in Triumph
Champions’ Names Etched in Triumph on Trophy

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SUPER TRIFECTA BOWL II… Bowl that Shall Not Be Named

The Bookie: Panthers
The Big Tuna: Broncos
The Little Tuna: Panthers
Wise Orangutan: Broncos
The Strategist: Panthers
Kal Krome: Panthers
Minds Blank: Broncos
B-Reezy: Panthers

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Final Results | Super Trifecta Bowl II

The Bowl Which Shall Not Be Named Picks and Results

Pick Results | Super Trifecta Bowl II | Championship Game
Pick Results from the Championship Game of Super Trifecta Bowl II

In the final leg, Big Tuna makes his move and distances himself from the rest of the field. His Home Team Broncos poach the defensive Reverse PC Fecta points from The Bookie in the final game.

Unfortunately for Le Grande Tuna, The Bookie dug deep and willed herself to the finish line.

And the winner of Super Trifecta Bowl II is…

Super Trifecta Bowl II

The Bookie! In The Bookie’s first official win, she started fast with The Strategist and Minds Blank, then kept up her pace just enough to fend off Big Tuna.

Big Tuna’s strategy was to run a steady pace through Super Trifecta Bowl II, and while he did not win, he edges Minds Blank for the place.

Minds Blank started at a blistering pace but gradually lost her advantage in the final rounds, but still proudly shows.

The Strategist and Wise Orangutan finish just behind the winners. Kal Krome made a respectable dash in the first leg, but then ran into the seeder redux improbabilities.

At the back, Little Tuna edges B-Reezy by a nose for seventh position on the basis of her Home Team’s Playoff Victory points in the Divisional Round.

A round of applause to all the players for another fine year of competition to be the Analyst with the best horse sense in World Professional Football Analysis!

Final Standings

Final Results | Super Trifecta Bowl II
Final Results in Super Trifecta Bowl II

Final Home Team Tiebreakers

Home Team Tiebreakers | Super Trifecta Bowl II | Final
Final Home Team Tiebreakers in Super Trifecta Bowl II

Final Common Tiebreakers

Common Tiebreakers | Super Trifecta Bowl II | Final
Final Common Tiebreakers Super Trifecta Bowl II

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Super Trifecta Bowl II | Slate of Games | Championship Game

Courtesy of CBS Sports, the Slate of Games for the Championship Round of Super Trifecta Bowl II are:

Super Trifecta Bowl II | SlateofGames | Championship Game
The Bowl Which Shall Not Be Named for Super Trifecta Bowl II

Analysts must pick from the two games and may NOT pick against their own Home Team. Analysts whose Home Teams have been eliminated are free to pick any of the four teams to win.

As a game of skill, we provide a few links for Analysts to prepare their prognostication research:

Team Stats
ELO Predictions (fivethirtyeight.com)
Colleagues (other experts)

Trifecta Points

The above game is the completion of the Championship Round of the Super Trifecta Bowl. A trifecta (pick three correctly) is worth 1 point in the Championship Round.

The two world professional football teams playing The Bowl Which Shall Not Be Named are the #1 seeds in the playoff tournament. The only points to be earned by Analysts without a Home Team in The Unmentionable Bowl can only earn points from a correct trifecta.

Analysts whose Home Teams are playing in the Championship Game may still collect 3 Reverse PC Fecta points for highest offensive score and lowest defensive score allowed.

No Player Hater, Seeder Redux, or Playoff Victory points are awarded for the outcome of the Championship Game.

Maximum Points Possible

One. Only one. Only if you picked the two teams in the Conference Championship Round.

Eliminated Analysts

Everyone except The Bookie has been eliminated from contention in Super Trifecta Bowl II. Pick with pride, pick with honor, pick to start the new season well.

Contesting Analysts – Scenarios

The Bookie wins with 19 points if the Broncos score less than 49 points or allow the Panthers to score 15 or more points.

The Bookie wins with 16 points if the Broncos score 50 or more points and allow the Panthers to score 14 or less points.

Championship Game Picks

You are going to do it. No matter if it does not matter. You are always as smart as the last game you picked.

Required Picks | Super Trifecta Bowl II | Championship Game
Required Picks in the Championship Game to Be a Good Sport in Super Trifecta Bowl II

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Standings | Super Trifecta Bowl II | Championship Round (Preliminary)

Super Trifecta Bowl II

The Bookie capitalizes on her Home Team’s playoff victory (+3 points) to build an insurmountable lead (16 points) heading into the final leg of the season,  The Bowl Which Shall Not Be Named.

In second place, Minds Blank (12 points), is finished for the season. Big Tuna (11 points) and The Strategist (11 points) trail by a length, but can overtake her with one more trifecta point. In case of a tie, the order of strength is: The Strategist (Base Trifectas), Big Tuna (Playoff Victory Points), and Minds Blank. Who will place? Who will show?

In fifth, Wise Orangutan (10 points) limps to the finish with a comfortable distance over Kal Krome (7 points) who can close the distance by a length.

B-Reezy, with a correct pick in the Championship Game, can take sole possession of seventh place… sending Little Tuna to a shameful defeat in the final Race of Season II of the World Football Trifecta League!


Standings | Super Trifecta Bowl II | Championship Round (Preliminary)
Preliminary Standings in the Championship Round of Super Trifecta Bowl II

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Picks | Super Trifecta Bowl II | Championship Round

The Picks:

The Bookie: Panthers/Patriots
The Big Tuna: Broncos/Cardinals
The Little Tuna: Patriots/Panthers
Wise Orangutan: Cardinals/Broncos
The Strategist: Panthers/Broncos
Kal Krome: Broncos/Panthers
Mindsblank: Broncos/Cardinals
B-Reezy: Panthers/Broncos

The Results:

The Bookie: Panthers/Patriots
The Big Tuna: Broncos/Cardinals
The Little Tuna: Patriots/Panthers
Wise Orangutan: Cardinals/Broncos
The Strategist: Panthers/Broncos
Kal Krome: Broncos/Panthers
Mindsblank: Broncos/Cardinals
B-Reezy: Panthers/Broncos

The Strategist, Kal Krome, and B-Reezy are still eligible for the trifecta point.

Reverse PCFecta Trifecta Points:

Panthers 49 – 15 Cardinals = 3  points (best offense and defense) for The Bookie (pending results of the World Professional Football Championship Game).

Player Hater Trifecta Points:


Seeder Redux Trifecta Points:


Trifecta Points Awarded for the Leg

Big Tuna and The Bookie have earned 3 Playoff Victory Points for their Home Teams’ victories in the Conference Championships.

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