The Analysts picks are in:
The Bookie: Bengals/Cardinals/Raiders
The Big Tuna: Raiders/Cardinals/Cowboys
Little Tuna: Cowboys/Panthers/Packers
Wise Orangutan: Cardinals/Raiders/Seahawks
The Strategist: Panthers/Steelers/Seahawks
Kal Krome: Seahawks/Vikings/Jets
B-Reezy: Raiders/Seahawks/Panthers
Atwork: Packers/Seahawks/Steelers
Craft Brew: Panthers/Raiders/Buccaneers
!!Featured Analyst of the Week!!
Craft Brew: “I heard you bought a pressure cooker. You’re now eating off the ceiling!”
Big Tuna: “Bitch,” he giggled. Big Tuna then walked away with a wave of hand gestures reminiscent of Nixon.
Little Tuna: “The Bookie? Why the first time I met The Bookie, I thought it would be morally wrong to let this sucker keep her money.”
The Strategist: “As for the Bookie, great football analysts fall into two groups – some are amazingly talented and some are exceptional students…the Bookie is neither of these. In truth, it’s hard for me to say anything bad about the Bookie. I’m a nice person, the other analysts will say plenty of bad things about the Bookie and they are all true, but I’ll just say “good luck” while secretly hoping she finally loses that damn trophy.”
B-Reezy: “Can’t say anything bad about The Bookie but I’ll introduce our next Roaster The Wise Orangutan. Not sure how he got that name, when he’s angry he needs to repeat his point three times and still doesn’t get it across.”
Atwork: sound of “crickets chirping”
Kal Krome: sound of “horses neighing”
The Bookie: “Stick a fork in me. I’ve been ROASTED!!!”
The Results Are In:
Four more trifectas in Leg 2 of PC-Fecta Derby IV!
B-Reezy notches his second trifecta of the season, while Craft Brew earns his first ever trifecta! Both Analysts did not take their Home Teams in the second leg, so their trifectas are worth 1 point each.
The Strategist earns her first trifecta of the year and, with a strong defensive showing by her Home Team, earns the defensive bonus point (2 points total).
Wise Orangutan gutted out his sickly redbirds for his first trifecta of the year and gains 3 points in the second leg of the Derby after his Home Team scores a whoppin’ 13 points!
Big Tuna and Little Tuna saw their Cowboy horses wrangled, while Atwork’s Home Team packed it in on defense. The Bookie bungled her picks again, while Kal Krome’s attempt to hone his player hater strategy failed to yield results in the Derby.
The Bookie: Bengals/Cardinals/Raiders
The Big Tuna: Raiders/Cardinals/Cowboys
Little Tuna: Cowboys/Panthers/Packers
Wise Orangutan: Cardinals/Raiders/Seahawks (3 points)
The Strategist: Panthers/Steelers/Seahawks (2 points)
Kal Krome: Seahawks/Vikings/Jets
B-Reezy: Raiders/Seahawks/Panthers (1 point)
Atwork: Packers/Seahawks/Steelers
Craft Brew: Panthers/Raiders/Buccaneers (1 point)
Top teams among trifecta winners:
Top offensive team (+2): Cardinals (13 points!)
Top defensive team (+1): Panthers (3 points)
Craft Brew left a couple of bonus trifecta points on the table since he did not take his winning Steelers (26 points) in his trifecta this past week.