PC-Fecta Derby III | Week 2 Picks

The Analysts picks are in:

The Bookie: Seahawks/Chargers/Bears
Big Tuna: Raiders/Panthers/Vikings
LittleTuna: Panthers/Patriots/Packers
Wise Orangutan: Chargers/Panthers/Raiders
The Strategist: Rams/Panthers/Chargers
Kal Krome: Seahawks/Patriots/Vikings
Minds Blank: still blank
B-Reezy: Seahawks/Panthers/Raiders
Atwork: Vikings/Seahawks/Bears

Race Day Notes:

Each week the Bookie will interview one analysis.

This week the Bookie had an in-depth telephone interview with Kal Krome. When asked how he felt the Seattle Seahawks would do this year, he hemmed and hawed awhile then replied, “I’m just not good at these things. My “Minds Blank”.


The Results Are In!

The Strategist startles the field with a sprint along the inside rail to take all three *bonus* trifecta points in the PC-Fecta Derby III.

Big Tuna, Kal Krome, B-Reezy, Atwork, and Wise Orangutan jockey to hold their positions around the second turn.

The Bookie and Little Tuna pace Minds Blank, who remains out to pasture and is now listed as doubtful after Leg 2 of the PCFecta Derby.

The Bookie: Seahawks/Chargers/Bears
Big Tuna: Raiders/Panthers/Vikings
LittleTuna: Panthers/Patriots/Packers
Wise Orangutan: Chargers/Panthers/Raiders
The Strategist: Rams/Panthers/Chargers (4 points)
Kal Krome: Seahawks/Patriots/Vikings
Minds Blank: still blank
B-Reezy: Seahawks/Panthers/Raiders
Atwork: Vikings/Seahawks/Bears

Top teams among trifecta winners:

Top offensive team (+2): Rams (9 points!)

Top defensive team (+1): Rams (3 points)

Final scores.

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