Fibonacci Stakes V | Home Team Claims Box

Fibonacci Stakes V | Preparations

Releasing and claiming a new Home Team before the start of a new Crown Race is optional. Mid-season, the order of Claims is determined by current Home Team playoff strength. The order then is:

1. B-Reezy (Jaguars, 12th AFC)

2. The Bookie (Falcons 10th NFC)

3. Little Tuna (Titans, 9th AFC )*

4. Roxy Trot (Eagles, 9th NFC)*

5. Atwork (Packers, 8th NFC)

6. Wise O. (Seahawks, 6th NFC)

7. The Strategist (Panthers, 5th NFC)

8. Sponge Mom (Bears, 4th NFC)

9. Jimmy V (Patriots, 2nd AFC)*

10. Big Tuna (Saints, 2nd NFC)*

11. Craft Brew (Rams, 1st NFC)

* The playoff picture is operational: I applied tiebreaker rules when two Analysts have the same playoff seeding in the two different conferences. Titans have a worse record than the Eagles and Patriots have a worse record than the Saints.

If you choose to release your Home Team, the Analysts listed above you will Claim before you from all available Home Teams (including those released).

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