The Analysts picks are in:
The Bookie: Dolphins/Cowboys/Vikings
Big Tuna: Cowboys/Panthers/Seahawks
LittleTuna: Cowboys/Vikings/Seahawks
Wise Orangutan: Chargers/Jets/Seahawks
The Strategist: Rams/Cowboys/Vikings
Kal Krome: Seahawks/Jets/Cowboys
B-Reezy: Cowboys/Seahawks/Raiders
Atwork: Vikings/Cowboys/Seahawks
* Denotes Fibonacci bonus picks (none possible in Leg 1).
Race Day Notes:
Each week The Bookie will interview one Analyst.
This week the Bookie interviewed The Bookie.
The Bookie: Bookie, after two years, you have never won a purse. Looks like this year will be no different as you’ve only had one trifecta so far. Because you see everyone’s picks before they are posted have you ever thought about changing your picks after you’ve seen theirs? In other words, cheat.
The Bookie: I can’t believe you’d ever question the integrity of The Bookie! I would never *cough* never *cough*…. I’ve got no further comment.
The Bookie: Well goodness, that was a bit of an over reaction. She walked out of the interview! I guess we might never know.
The Results Are In!
The Bookie: Dolphins/Cowboys/Vikings
Big Tuna: Cowboys/Panthers/Seahawks
LittleTuna: Cowboys/Vikings/Seahawks
Wise Orangutan: Chargers/Jets/Seahawks
The Strategist: Rams/Cowboys/Vikings
Kal Krome: Seahawks/Jets/Cowboys
B-Reezy: Cowboys/Seahawks/Raiders
Atwork: Vikings/Cowboys/Seahawks
Big Tuna and B-Reezy secure the first trifectas of the Fibonacci Stakes, as the Vikings and the Jets struggle against the headwinds of prediction.