The Analysts picks are in:
The Bookie: Dolphins*/Cowboys*/Vikings*
Big Tuna: Cowboys*/Seahawks*/Rams*
Little Tuna: Cowboys*/Seahawks*/Bears*
Wise Orangutan: Chargers/Seahawks*/Cowboys*
The Strategist: Rams*/Cowboys*/Vikings*
Kal Krome: Seahawks*/Cowboys*/49ers
B-Reezy: Cowboys*/Dolphins/Lions
Atwork: *Vikings/Cowboys*/Seahawks*
Base trifecta is worth 3 points in this leg of the Fibonacci Stakes.
* Denotes Fibonacci bonus picks (none possible in Leg 1).
Race Day Notes:
Thank you all for the privilege I have had to interview each and everyone of you. Your candidness has been appreciated.
For the next 8 weeks I will ask each of you to reflect on your strategies and how they are working.
Our second muse will be from Little Tuna!
Little Tuna: Ahhh. Little Tuna. As I take this time to reflect on this years football season, I am not sad. Not sad about the stupid Bears. Not sad about the damn Vikings. Not sad about the pathetic Panthers. I feel only joy. Joy because even if Romo were to return, God help us, I am the only one who has won BOTH TROPHIES and 120 DOLLARS!!
The Clearinghouse: “120 DOLLARS” is a euphemism for 3 regular season races and implies no actual exchange of monies.
The Results Are In!
The Bookie: Dolphins*/Cowboys*/Vikings*
Big Tuna: Cowboys*/Seahawks*/Rams*
Little Tuna: Cowboys*/Seahawks*/Bears*
Wise Orangutan: Chargers/Seahawks*/Cowboys*
The Strategist: Rams*/Cowboys*/Vikings*
Kal Krome: Seahawks*/Cowboys*/49ers
B-Reezy: Cowboys*/Dolphins/Lions (4 points)
Atwork: *Vikings/Cowboys*/Seahawks*
Around the final turn, B-Reezy once again show the lead with the sole trifecta of the week for 4 points.
Wise Orangutan and The Bookie stumble on their third pick in the far turn.
The rest of the field notches only a single correct pick after the Seahawks and Vikings encounter a “bad trip” just before entering the home stretch to determine the pretenders and contenders of November.
** Trip: The course followed by a horse and rider during the running of a race and describes the “trouble” encountered. A horse that had a “good trip” did not encounter any unusual difficulty. A “bad trip” might involve racing wide, or being boxed in by other horses.
Mathematically speaking…
The Cowboys, Dolphins, and Raiders offered the only option to maximize Fibonacci bonus points in the 4th leg of the Fibonacci Stakes. Three picks two weeks in a row with a selection of those teams would have yielded 3 *base* trifecta points and 3 *bonus* trifecta points, for a total of 6 trifecta points and the lead.