Standings | Fibonacci Stakes IV | Leg 1

Fibonacci Stakes IV

Trifecta Points

The Strategist and Wise Orangutan take the early lead on the front stretch of the 5-week long Fibonacci Stakes IV.

Most Analysts suffered a loss when the Seahawks failed to take flight in Seattle. In the middle of the pack, Big Tuna, Little Tuna, and Atwork contest third place with 1 Correct Home Team pick (each).

The remaining Analysts are checking the batteries on their calculators!

Standings | Fibonacci Stakes IV | Leg 1
Standings after Leg 1 of Fibonacci Stakes IV


Tiebreakers | Fibonacci Stakes IV | Leg 1
Tiebreakers after Leg 1 of Fibonacci Stakes IV

Bye weeks for Home Teams are grayed out (Table 2).

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Fibonacci Stakes IV | Leg 1 Picks

The Analysts’ Picks Are In:

The Bookie: Rams/Seahawks/Saints
The Big Tuna: Saints/Seahawks/Eagles
Little Tuna: Rams/Seahawks/Eagles
Wise Orangutan: Cardinals/Panthers/Saints
The Strategist: Panther/Rams/Saints
Kal Krome: Seahawks/Saints/Giants
B-Reezy: Rams/Cardinals/Seahawks
Atwork: Eagles/Chiefs/Falcons
Craft Brew: Eagles/Saints/Seahawks

Courtesy of Craft Brew:

Horse walks into a bar.
The Bartender says, “Why the Long Face?!!!”

The Results Are In:

The Bookie: Rams/Seahawks/Saints
The Big Tuna: Saints/Seahawks/Eagles
Little Tuna: Rams/Seahawks/Eagles
Wise Orangutan: Cardinals/Panthers/Saints (1 point)
The Strategist: Panther/Rams/Saints (1 point)
Kal Krome: Seahawks/Saints/Giants
B-Reezy: Rams/Cardinals/Seahawks
Atwork: Eagles/Chiefs/Falcons
Craft Brew: Eagles/Saints/Seahawks

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Fibonacci Stakes IV | Slate of Games

The Entrants

The Analysts have selected their Home Teams to start the fourth annual Fibonacci Stakes. The entrants are:

Fibonacci Stakes IV | Slate of Analysts
Analysts and Home Teams for the Fibonacci Stakes IV

Slate of Games

Fibonacci Stakes IV | Slate of Games
Slate of Games for the Fibonacci Stakes IV


The slate of games for Fibonacci Stake IV will live up to its billing as the Race that separates the pretenders from the contenders after five Analysts dump their prior Home Teams for current playoff challengers. Will the Analysts redeem their horse senses in the second half of the year?

During the long month, we have five head-to-head clashes between the Analysts’ Home Teams: Seahawks v. Cardinals (Leg 2), Saints v. Rams (Leg 4), Panthers v. Saints (Leg 5), Rams v. Cardinals (Leg 5), and a battle of titans to end the Stakes with the Eagles @ Seahawks on Sunday Night (Leg 5).

Five teams go on bye weeks during the month, limiting the opportunities to select these teams two weeks in a row: Patriots (Leg 1), Steelers (Leg 1), Chiefs (Leg 2), Eagles (Leg 2), and Panthers (Leg 3). With three head-to-heads in the final Leg, only 6 games are open to pick in Leg 5 of the Stakes — we anticipate some heated exchanges between the Analysts in the home stretch!

There also are several un-owned teams that compete two weeks in a row: Broncos (Leg 1 and 2), Texans (2 and 3), Bills (4 and 5), and Jets (4 and 5). These un-owned teams may be selected two weeks in a row for the Fibonacci bonus trifecta points.

Home teams owned by an Analyst are in bold. The team at the left is the visiting team; the team at the right is the host (playing at home). There are over a half dozen featured games, including three Sunday night games of the week (subject to change), two Thursday night games, and three Monday night games.


Remember: Every Analyst has a bias for his or her Home Team and may not pick the sponsored team to lose. Analysts do not have to pick his or her Home Team to win a trifecta. *Bonus* trifecta points are earned for picking the same team two weeks in a row. See the Fibonacci Stakes Rules for more information.

Email three picks to The Bookie before each leg (week) of the Race. The first picks are due on Saturday, November 4.

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Standings | Player Haters Preakness IV | Final Results

Player Haters Preakness, 2016-17

Final Standings

The Run of the Black-Eyed Analysts ends in another photo finish!

With Craft Brew trailing by only one length but holding the Head-to-Head tiebreaker, The Bookie had to gut out a strong performance in the homestretch. Her bungly Bengals kept it together just enough to beat the feisty Colts by 1 point giving her the edge at the pole.

The Bookie breaks maiden (she sent The Clearinghouse an email with instructions to use the correct horse racing terminology) in the regular season with 5 Trifecta Points!

In a WFTL first, Craft Brew and The Strategist finish in tie for second place! Both Analysts have 4 Trifecta Points, 1 Correct Home Team Selection, and a turnover differential per game of -0.5.

Big Tuna takes fourth with 3 Trifecta Points, ahead of Kal Krome (5th) and B-Reezy (6th) with 2 Trifecta Points each (Kal had more Correct Home Team Selections).

In seventh is Wise Orangutan with 1 Trifecta Point, followed by also-rans Little Tuna and Atwork (0 Trifecta Points).

Trifecta Points

Standings | Player Haters Preakness IV | Final Results
Final Results of Player Haters Preakness IV


Tiebreakers | Player Haters Preakness IV | Final Results
Tiebreakers after Final Results of Player Haters Preakness IV

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Standings | Analyst of the Year IV | Week 8

Analyst of the Year IV

The Analysts step up the pace as no less than six Analysts notch Trifectas in the week 8 of the Marathon of the Ass — nine Trifectas total in the last two weeks!

B-Reezy and The Strategist continue to set the pace in first with 4 Trifectas and 18 Correct Picks each.

Undaunted by the leaders, Big Tuna nets a 3rd Trifecta and his 18th Correct Pick to hold onto third. Ditto, Craft Brew who also nets his 3rd Trifecta and 17th Correct Pick to hold fourth.

Moving up quickly in the backstretch, The Bookie now has sole possession of fifth place with 3 Trifectas and 15 Correct Picks. She pushes Wise Orangutan down to sixth place despite correcting his shaky run down the backstretch with his 3rd Trifecta and 14th Correct Pick.

Atwork struggled down the backstretch after his QB went down with a season-ending injury and now runs seventh with 2 Trifectas. With 15 Correct Picks, he could easily get back into the front of the pack with a couple of Trifectas.

After seven weeks without a Trifecta (!), Little Tuna stinks up 8th place with 1 Trifecta and 15 Correct Picks… Could we be smelling a Home Team swap before the Fibonacci Stakes!

Kal Krome rounds out the field with 1 Trifecta and 13 Correct Picks after his Player Hater picks fail to deliver in the final three legs!



Analyst of the Year IV | Standings | Week 8
Standings after Week 8 for Analyst of the Year IV

Correct Picks

Analyst of the Year IV | Tiebreaker | Week 8
Tiebreaker after Week 8 for Analyst of the Year IV

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Player Haters Preakness IV | Leg 4 Picks

The Analysts’ Picks Are In:

The Bookie: Bengals/Cowboys/Steelers
The Big Tuna: Steelers/Cowboys/Saints*
Little Tuna: Cowboys/Steelers/Colts*
Wise Orangutan: Seahawks/Bengals/Saints*
The Strategist: Panthers/Seahawks/Saints*
Kal Krome: Seahawks/Saints*/Buccaneers*
B-Reezy: Panthers/Cowboys/Seahawks
Atwork: Seahawks/Redskins*/Saints*
Craft Brew: Steelers/Bengals/Saints*

A horse walks into a bar one day.

The bartender yells, “Hey!”

The horse says, “You read my mind!”

The Results Are (Coming) In:

The Bookie: Bengals/Cowboys/Steelers (1 point)
The Big Tuna: Steelers/Cowboys/Saints* (1 point)
Little Tuna: Cowboys/Steelers/Colts*
Wise Orangutan: Seahawks/Bengals/Saints* (1 point)
The Strategist: Panthers/Seahawks/Saints* (1 point)
Kal Krome: Seahawks/Saints*/Buccaneers*
B-Reezy: Panthers/Cowboys/Seahawks (1 point)
Atwork: Seahawks/Redskins*/Saints*
Craft Brew: Steelers/Bengals/Saints* (1 point)

Player Hater combinations:

Perfect Player Hater Trifecta: None.

2-Point Player Hater Trifecta: None.

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Standings | Analyst of the Year IV | Week 7

Analyst of the Year IV

B-Reezy makes his move and now shares the lead with The Strategist at 3 Trifectas and 15 Correct Picks each.

Big Tuna also charges forward to hold third place with 2 trifectas and 15 Correct Picks.

Craft Brew is in fourth with with 2 trifectas and 14 Correct Picks, followed by Atwork with with 2 trifectas and 13 Correct Picks.

In sixth, The Bookie distances herself from the back of the field with 2 trifectas and 12 Correct Picks, as Wise Orangutan continues his fade down the back stretch (2 trifectas and 11 Correct Picks).

Little Tuna and Kal Krome round out the field in 8th and 9th place.


Analyst of the Year IV | Standings | Week 7
Standings after Week 7 for Analyst of the Year IV

Correct Picks

Analyst of the Year IV | Tiebreaker | Week 7
Tiebreaker after Week 7 for Analyst of the Year IV

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Standings | Player Haters Preakness IV | Leg 3

Player Haters Preakness IV

Trifecta Points

The Bookie comes out of the far turn with a one-length lead. The Bookie’s Home Team is a turnover machine so if any of the other Analysts can catch her, they may win if they can force the outcome to the third tiebreaker.

Craft Brew and The Strategist have fallen into a contest for second with 3 points each. If Bookie does not trifecta, they only need a one point trifecta to win. Craft Brew has the head-to-head tiebreaker advantage over The Bookie. The Strategist needs to take her Home Team or go for a two+ point trifecta to take a clear lead.

Kal Krome and Big Tuna vie for fourth place with 2 points each. These two Analysts needs at least 2-point hater trifecta to catch The Bookie. Kal has the Home Team selection advantage right now. Their Home Teams face each other this week!

B-Reezy in sixth with 1 point still has an outside chance to win. Reezy needs a perfect hater trifecta (3 hater teams) to catch The Bookie.

Tiebreaking advantages between other Analysts are too numerous to consider. See the tiebreakers below to see check on your Analytical fortunes.

The rest of the field is eliminated.

Standings | Player Haters Preakness IV | Leg 3
Standings after Leg 3 of Player Haters Preakness IV


Craft Brew holds a valuable Head-to-Head tiebreaker over The Bookie. B-Reezy has a Head-to-Head tiebreaker over The Strategist.

Kal Krome has 2 Correct Home Team Picks. B-Reezy, Big Tuna, Wise Orangutan, The Bookie and Atwork have one Correct Home Team Pick.

Kal Krome (1.5), Atwork (0.7), Big Tuna (0.5) and Little Tuna (0.5) have the only positive turnover differentials after Leg 3 of the Preakness.

Tiebreakers | Player Haters Preakness IV | Leg 3
Tiebreakers after Leg 3 of Player Haters Preakness IV

Bye weeks for Home Teams are grayed out.

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Player Haters Preakness IV | Leg 3 Picks

The Analysts’ Picks Are In:

The Bookie: Cowboys/Rams*/Saints*
The Big Tuna: Cowboys/Rams*/Saints*
Little Tuna: Steelers/Rams*/Giants*
Wise Orangutan: Cardinals/Saints*/ Giants*
The Strategist: Panthers/Steelers/Saints*
Kal Krome: Seahawks/49ers*/Saints*
B-Reezy: Steelers/Cowboys/Saints*
Atwork: Packers/Steelers/Rams*
Craft Brew: Panthers/Cowboys/Saints*

!Featured Analyst of the Week!


Five-Time Crown Winner!

Our Celebrity Analyst Roasters:
The Bookie: “Little Tuna, Also known as Little Scar-kist Tuna in Foxborough is truly one of our greatest Analyst. In fact she tells me how great she is over and over and over each week when she makes her picks. When she fails to make her trifecta instead of admitting her little scales are flaking and that she’s getting moldy she includes everyone in her dismissal of why she’s not winning anymore. Let me quote her last week email.
“How is it that WE get worse through the year?!?!??”
I don’t think Atwork or The Strategist feel that way. And now that the Dallas Cowboys are her home team, Big Tuna reports Little Tuna is now bilingual during the football games. She’s speaks both English and profanity!”

Big Tuna: “I am not saying a word. The woman cooks my food.”
The Bookie: “Afraid, are we?”
Big Tuna: “Hell yeah. Look at her!”

Wise Orangutan: “Miss the opportunity to roast Little Tuna, hell no! I mean, with 5 Crowns, she is the best Analyst, yes? Well, I mean, if you take away the wins with the Cheatriots, she has only one win really. And she may think she is getting worse at picking, but that first year she played without the Cheatriots she had only 3 trifectas in the Analyst of the Year Race. If you think about it, better or worse is all relative to whether she owns the Cheatriots or not…. either way, she is just really bad at picking games!”

The Strategist: What?! Roast tuna? Y’all must be from Alabama! Pats revenge is a dish best served cold and I love, love love me some spicy tuna roll!

Kal Krome: “My advice for Little Tuna is if she wants to start winning races again she better start relieving herself before the race rather than stopping so frequently to “squirt in the dirt”!”

B-Reezy: “Little Tuna, she married a butcher’s cut!”

Craft Brew: Sound of empty Craft Brew bottles hitting the waves.

Atwork: Sound of crickets chirping.

The Results Are (Coming) In:

The Bookie: Cowboys/Rams*/Saints* (2 points)
The Big Tuna: Cowboys/Rams*/Saints* (2 points)
Little Tuna: Steelers/Rams*/Giants*
Wise Orangutan: Cardinals/Saints*/ Giants*
The Strategist: Panthers/Steelers/Saints*
Kal Krome: Seahawks/49ers*/Saints*
B-Reezy: Steelers/Cowboys/Saints* (1 point)
Atwork: Packers/Steelers/Rams*
Craft Brew: Panthers/Cowboys/Saints*

Player Hater combinations:

Perfect Player Hater Trifecta: None.

2-Point Player Hater Trifecta: Rams, Saints, and any winning Home Team.

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Standings | Analyst of the Year IV | Week 6

Analyst of the Year IV

Not much happening down the middle of the backstretch….

The Strategist maintains a one length lead over the competition (3 Trifectas, 13 Correct Picks).

B-Reezy and Craft Brew hold onto their second place tie (2 Trifectas, 12 Correct Picks).

Atwork falters with 0 Correct Picks in Week 6 and falls into fourth place (2 Trifectas, 12 Correct Picks), while Wise O. continues to stumble along the outside rail in fifth with 1 Correct Pick in Week 6 (2 Trifectas, 10 Correct Picks).

Big Tuna sets himself apart from the back of the pack with 2 Correct Picks in Week 6 (1 Trifecta, 12 Correct Picks), whereas Little Tuna settles into seventh (1 Trifecta, 11 Correct Picks).

Tied for eighth, The Bookie and Kal Krome (1 Trifecta, 9 Correct Picks) reassess their strategies after a breakout showing in the prior week!


Analyst of the Year IV | Standings | Week 6
Standings after Week 6 for Analyst of the Year IV

Correct Picks

Analyst of the Year IV | Tiebreaker | Week 6
Tiebreaker after Week 6 for Analyst of the Year IV

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