At the Start of the Championship Round…
Wise Orangutan, The Strategist, and Big Tuna were eliminated from the World Football Analyst Championship in the divisional round. Unfortunately, for the three horseless Analysts, no un-owned teams remained from which to earn hater and seeder points against other Analysts with playoff contending teams.
The Bookie rode the Colts to a three point lead with their defeat of the Broncos. The hopes of Kal Krome and Minds Blank rested on the outcome of their Home Teams conference championship: Seahawks vs. Packers. Little Tuna, quietly practicing the deflation of footballs in a small closet in eastern Massachusetts, held third place to the start the conference championship weekend.
And the Winner Is…
Little Tuna!
The Little Tuna edged Kal Krome and The Bookie by a PCFecta: her Tunadipidity. The first Horse’s Anal(yst) of the Year, Minds Blank, failed to place, but nonetheless honored her fine season. The rest of our stupendous Analysts ran well enough to win one Race earlier in the season, but faltered down the stretch.
The final results of Super Trifecta Bowl I are found below.
Until next season, Analysts!
Final Standings – Super Trifecta Bowl I
1) Little Tuna, 14 points
2) The Bookie, 13 points (5 base trifecta points)
3) Kal Krome, 13 points (3 base trifecta points)
4) Minds blank, 9 points
5) Big Tuna, 2 points
t6) The Strategist, 1 point
t6) The Orangutan, 1 point