The Analysts picks are in:
The Bookie: Broncos*/Bears/Raiders
Big Tuna: Raiders/Steelers*/Cowboys
LittleTuna: Cowboys/Steelers*/Falcons*
Wise Orangutan: Lions*/Steelers*/Packers*
The Strategist: Rams/Steelers*/Jaguars*
Kal Krome: Seahawks/Steelers*/Packers*
B-Reezy: Bears/Lions*/Raiders
Atwork: Seahawks/Rams/Bears
* Denotes hater eligible pick.
Race Day Notes:
Each week the Bookie will interview one analysts.
This week the Bookie interviewed Wise Orangutan.
Bookie: Big O, there was rumors three years ago that you may have had a hand in forming the rules for this game but your picks have not even matched up to some of our newer Analyst of this game. Fact check: according to the Clearinghouse, your picks are rarely correct. Would you like to make a comment about this?
Wise Orangutan: The rumors are greatly exaggerated. The Clearinghouse and I have no relationship whatsoever. As you may recall, The Clearinghouse sent Guido to break my fingers for no substantial reason other than a personal defense of the integrity of the races after Little Tuna cheat-rioted her way into our coveted trophies!
Now, this year, I no longer will be driven into irrational choices based on my deep-seated passion to stop the Cheat-riots from winning — no, stealing — yet another Super Bowl. I plan to reclaim the Player Haters Preakness (my first win) and position myself for Analyst of the Year before the second half of the racing season.
Oh, and, at least I am not as bad as The Bookie! Sheesh, you control the damn picks!
Bookie: Side note, still irrational and quite smelly. I noticed he was eating some sort of chocolate substance and drinking canned beer! Who drinks canned beer?
Wise Orangutan: PBR in a can!
The Results Are In!
The Bookie: Broncos*/Bears/Raiders
Big Tuna: Raiders/Steelers*/Cowboys
LittleTuna: Cowboys/Steelers*/Falcons*
Wise Orangutan: Lions*/Steelers*/Packers*
The Strategist: Rams/Steelers*/Jaguars*
Kal Krome: Seahawks/Steelers*/Packers*
B-Reezy: Bears/Lions*/Raiders
Atwork: Seahawks/Rams/Bears
The first wipe-out of the year as no Analyst notches more than one Correct PIck in the week!
Little Tuna and Wise Orangutan hold the early lead in the third annual Player Haters Preakness, each with 2 hater picks and 2-point trifectas. B-Reezy holds onto third with a 1-point trifecta after the second turn.
The rest of the field struggles with the simple task of picking three winners!
No Analysts selected the potential 3-point trifecta of Jaguars, Lions, and Chiefs in Leg 2.