Player Haters Preakness IV | Leg 3 Picks

The Analysts’ Picks Are In:

The Bookie: Cowboys/Rams*/Saints*
The Big Tuna: Cowboys/Rams*/Saints*
Little Tuna: Steelers/Rams*/Giants*
Wise Orangutan: Cardinals/Saints*/ Giants*
The Strategist: Panthers/Steelers/Saints*
Kal Krome: Seahawks/49ers*/Saints*
B-Reezy: Steelers/Cowboys/Saints*
Atwork: Packers/Steelers/Rams*
Craft Brew: Panthers/Cowboys/Saints*

!Featured Analyst of the Week!


Five-Time Crown Winner!

Our Celebrity Analyst Roasters:
The Bookie: “Little Tuna, Also known as Little Scar-kist Tuna in Foxborough is truly one of our greatest Analyst. In fact she tells me how great she is over and over and over each week when she makes her picks. When she fails to make her trifecta instead of admitting her little scales are flaking and that she’s getting moldy she includes everyone in her dismissal of why she’s not winning anymore. Let me quote her last week email.
“How is it that WE get worse through the year?!?!??”
I don’t think Atwork or The Strategist feel that way. And now that the Dallas Cowboys are her home team, Big Tuna reports Little Tuna is now bilingual during the football games. She’s speaks both English and profanity!”

Big Tuna: “I am not saying a word. The woman cooks my food.”
The Bookie: “Afraid, are we?”
Big Tuna: “Hell yeah. Look at her!”

Wise Orangutan: “Miss the opportunity to roast Little Tuna, hell no! I mean, with 5 Crowns, she is the best Analyst, yes? Well, I mean, if you take away the wins with the Cheatriots, she has only one win really. And she may think she is getting worse at picking, but that first year she played without the Cheatriots she had only 3 trifectas in the Analyst of the Year Race. If you think about it, better or worse is all relative to whether she owns the Cheatriots or not…. either way, she is just really bad at picking games!”

The Strategist: What?! Roast tuna? Y’all must be from Alabama! Pats revenge is a dish best served cold and I love, love love me some spicy tuna roll!

Kal Krome: “My advice for Little Tuna is if she wants to start winning races again she better start relieving herself before the race rather than stopping so frequently to “squirt in the dirt”!”

B-Reezy: “Little Tuna, she married a butcher’s cut!”

Craft Brew: Sound of empty Craft Brew bottles hitting the waves.

Atwork: Sound of crickets chirping.

The Results Are (Coming) In:

The Bookie: Cowboys/Rams*/Saints* (2 points)
The Big Tuna: Cowboys/Rams*/Saints* (2 points)
Little Tuna: Steelers/Rams*/Giants*
Wise Orangutan: Cardinals/Saints*/ Giants*
The Strategist: Panthers/Steelers/Saints*
Kal Krome: Seahawks/49ers*/Saints*
B-Reezy: Steelers/Cowboys/Saints* (1 point)
Atwork: Packers/Steelers/Rams*
Craft Brew: Panthers/Cowboys/Saints*

Player Hater combinations:

Perfect Player Hater Trifecta: None.

2-Point Player Hater Trifecta: Rams, Saints, and any winning Home Team.

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Standings | Player Haters Preakness IV | Leg 2

Player Haters Preakness IV

Trifecta Points

Every Analyst fails to score trifecta points in Leg 2 of the Preakness!

The Strategist and Craft Brew hold their lead over the competition with 3 points each. The Strategist’s lead for first place over Craft narrows to 1 turnover per game (-0.5 vs. -1.5).

Trailing by one length (2 points), The Bookie and Kal Krome continue to separate themselves from the rest of the Analysts. As both Home Teams were idle in Leg 2, Kal Krome owns third by turnover differential (3 vs. -2).

Vying for fifth, Big Tuna draws even with Atwork (0 points, 1 Home Team Pick, 0.5 turnovers per game). Wise Orangutan edges B-Reezy for sixth (0 Turnovers vs. -1.5 turnovers per game).

Prancing in last place, Little Tuna trails with 0 trifectas, 0 Correct Home Team Selections, and -2 turnovers per game!

Standings | Player Haters Preakness IV | Leg 2
Standings after Leg 2 of Player Haters Preakness IV


Atwork holds a valuable Head-to-Head tiebreaker over Little Tuna. B-Reezy, Big Tuna, and Wise Orangutan join Kal Krome, The Bookie, and Atwork with one Correct Home Team Pick.

Kal Krome (3), Big Tuna (0.5), and Atwork (0.5) boast the only positive turnover differentials after Leg 2 of the Preakness.

Tiebreakers | Player Haters Preakness IV | Leg 2
Tiebreakers after Leg 2 of Player Haters Preakness IV

Bye weeks for Home Teams are grayed out.

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Player Haters Preakness IV | Leg 2 Picks

The Analysts’ Picks Are In:

The Bookie: Texans/Chiefs*/Ravens*
The Big Tuna: Texans/Vikings*/Ravens*
Little Tuna: Texans/Buccaneers*/Ravens*
Wise Orangutan: Cardinals/Ravens*/Chiefs*
The Strategist: Texans/Chiefs*/Ravens*
Kal Krome: Buccaneers*/Eagles*/Chiefs*
B-Reezy: Bears/Packers/Chiefs*
Atwork: Packers/Chiefs*/Ravens*
Craft Brew: Texans/Chiefs*/Ravens*

I bought a horse. In its first race it went out 25 to 1. The only problem is that all the other horses left at 12:30.

It would have been a photo finish, but by the time my horse finished, it was too dark to take a picture.

My horse came in so late the jockey was wearing pajamas.

The horse I bet on was so slow, the jockey kept a diary of the trip.

The Results Are In:

The Bookie: Texans/Chiefs*/Ravens*
The Big Tuna: Texans/Vikings*/Ravens*
Little Tuna: Texans/Buccaneers*/Ravens*
Wise Orangutan: Cardinals/Ravens*/Chiefs*
The Strategist: Texans/Chiefs*/Ravens*
Kal Krome: Buccaneers*/Eagles*/Chiefs*
B-Reezy: Bears/Packers/Chiefs*
Atwork: Packers/Chiefs*/Ravens*
Craft Brew: Texans/Chiefs*/Ravens*

Player Hater combinations:

Perfect Player Hater Trifecta: None

2-Point Player Hater Trifecta: Eagles, Vikings, plus other four Home Teams

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Standings | Player Haters Preakness IV | Leg 1

Player Haters Preakness IV

Trifecta Points

The Strategist and Craft Brew get a jump on the competition with perfect Player Hater Trifectas (3 points) in Leg 1 of the Preakness. The Strategist noses out Craft Brew for first place based on the third tiebreaker, turnover differentials per game (+1 vs. -4).

Trailing by one length (2 points), The Bookie and Kal Krome ride their Home Teams to their first trifectas of the year and 1 bonus point for two Player Hater picks each. Kal Krome clings to third by virtue of turnover differential in the first games (3 vs. -2).

In fifth, Atwork leads the back half (0 points) with a Head-to-Head win over Little Tuna and 1 Correct Home Team Selection.

The rest of the field struggles to dig deep within themselves to find the Hate worthy of a Preakness crown!

Standings | Player Haters Preakness IV | Leg 1
Standings after Leg 1 of Player Haters Preakness IV


Atwork nets a valuable Head-to-Head tiebreaker over Little Tuna.

Kal Krome, The Bookie, and Atwork score Correct Home Team Picks in what may shape up to be a tight race.

Kal Krome (3), Atwork (2), and The Strategist (1) earn the only positive turnover differentials in Leg 1.

Tiebreakers | Player Haters Preakness IV | Leg 1
Tiebreakers after Leg 1 of Player Haters Preakness IV

Bye weeks for Home Teams are grayed out in Correct Home Team Picks (Table 2).

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Player Haters Preakness IV | Leg 1 Picks

The Analysts’ Picks Are In:

The Bookie: Bengals/Chiefs*/Eagles*
The Big Tuna: Seahawks/Vikings*/Bills*
Little Tuna: Cowboys/Chiefs*/Eagles*
Wise Orangutan: Lions*/Rams*/Bills*
The Strategist: Chiefs*/Vikings*/Eagles*
Kal Krome: Seahawks/Chiefs*/Vikings*
B-Reezy: Steelers/Rams*/Chiefs*
Atwork: Packers/Chiefs*/Bills*
Craft Brew: Chiefs*/Vikings*/Eagles*

!!Featured Analyst of the Week!!

Atwork — PC-Fecta Derby IV Winner

Our Celebrity Analyst Roasters:

The Bookie: “BREAKING NEWS from WFTL NEWS ~ Packers football practice was delayed this morning for nearly two hours. One of the players, while on the way to the locker room happened to look down and notice a suspicious looking, unknown white powdery substance on the practice field. Head Coach Mike McCarthy immediately suspended practice while the FBI was called in to investigate. After a complete field analysis, the FBI determined that the white substance unknown to the players was actually the goal line. Practice resumed when FBI Special Agents decided that the team was not likely to encounter the substance again.”
” Atworks’ love of toilet paper, packing and storing it, has led him to this lowliness, the Acme Packers.”

Little Tuna: “Late one night Atwork was sitting in a basement in the “Circle” with his friends. Can’t say who because of the “haze”. Then Atwork says “Man! I need some cheese. Like a big wedge. Hey! It would look good on my head!” Followed by a fit of giggling.
And that is a common tale of how anyone could choose the Packers.”

Big Tuna: Walks up to the mike. “Runt.” Scoffs and walks away.

Wise Orangutan: “Atwork, you won the PC-Fecta Derby!
Atwork: What about Bryan?”
Wise O.: Bryan did not win…
Atwork: I shouldn’t have to win if Bryan does not have to!

The Strategist: “When he was young, I knew Atwork would be a handful when he was playing in a sandbox and the cat kept covering him up.”

Kal Krome: “When I met Matthew he was in between jobs so I suggested he finds a job he enjoys doing as he’ll be doing it for a very long time. But little did I know he’d become good as a football analysts and take my money!!!”

Craft Brew: “I said Black and Gold not Green and Gold.”

B-Reezy: “What is best in life? To crush your enemies, to see them driven before you, and to hear the Lamentations of their women.”

The Results Are In:

The Bookie: Bengals/Chiefs*/Eagles* (2 points)
The Big Tuna: Seahawks/Vikings*/Bills*
Little Tuna: Cowboys/Chiefs*/Eagles*
Wise Orangutan: Lions*/Rams*/Bills*
The Strategist: Chiefs*/Vikings*/Eagles* (3 points)
Kal Krome: Seahawks/Chiefs*/Vikings* (2 points)
B-Reezy: Steelers/Rams*/Chiefs*
Atwork: Packers/Chiefs*/Bills*
Craft Brew: Chiefs*/Vikings*/Eagles* (3 points)

Player Hater combinations:

Combination of any three: Jaguars, Eagles, Chiefs, and Vikings.


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World Football Trifecta Championship 2017-18

Player Haters Preakness IV Preparations

New Home Team Selection Order

One race into the season, racing officials have learned a few Analysts are frustrated with the Home Teams that are not performing as expected.

According to the rules, the order of selection for new teams is by current playoff seeding, worst to first.

The order of picks will be:

1a. B-Reezy (14th seed NFC)*
1b. The Bookie (14th seed AFC)
3. Wise Orangutan (13th seed NFC)
4. Kal Krome (11th seed NFC)
5. Little Tuna (8th seed NFC)
6a. Big Tuna (6th seed AFC)**
6b. Atwork (6th seed NFC)
8. The Strategist (4th seed NFC)
9. Craft Brew (3rd seed AFC)

* B-Reezy has the lesser conference W-L record.
** Big Tuna has the lesser W-L record.

Home Team Swaps

Only one Home Team horse threw a shoe. Raiders QB Carr is out and so is Big Tuna. Big Tuna will be saddling up the Houston Texans for his Home Team. All other Analyst have kept last race ponies (not the small beer bottles) and have rubbed them down and are ready for THE PLAYER HATERS PREAKNESS!!

Best of luck to you all!!

Aw, who needs luck with the great skill of our Analyst this next race will be another photo finish.

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Player Haters Preakness IV – Slate of Games

The Entrants

The Analysts have selected their Home Teams to start the fourth annual Player Haters Preakness. The entrants are:

Player Haters Preakness IV | Slate of Analysts
Analysts and Home Teams for the Player Haters Preakness IV

Slate of Games

Player Haters Preakness IV | Slate of Games
Slate of Games for the Player Haters Preakness IV

The slate of games for the Player Haters Preakness III will prove to be a challenging test of Analyst’s foresight. With 4 head-to-head competitions this month (first tiebreaker), most Analysts will have to navigate the Run of the Black-Eyed Analysts with moxie and sweat!

In Leg 1, Atwork travels to face Little Tuna. Leg 3 pits The Strategist against B-Reezy and The Bookie forninst  Craft Brew. In Leg 4, Big Tuna challenges Kal Krome. Player Hater Bonus Points may not be earned from the two head-to-head Analyst match-ups, so in each of these Legs the chance for bonus points narrows.

Leg 3 may prove to be the difference as only 4 games feature challengers that may earn bonus points. In Leg 4, only five games feature Home Team challengers.

Home teams owned by an Analyst are in bold. The team at the left is the visiting team; the team at the right is the host (playing at home). There are less than a handful of featured games: one Thursday night, two Sunday nights, and one Monday game.

In total, six Home Teams enjoy a bye week during the Player Haters Preakness.


Remember: Every Analyst has a bias for his or her Home Team and may not pick the sponsored team to lose. Analysts do not have to pick his or her Home Team to win a trifecta. *Bonus* trifecta points are earned for picking against other Analysts’ Home Teams in a winning trifecta. See the Preakness Rules for more.

Email three picks to The Bookie before each leg (week) of the Race. The first picks are due on Saturday, October 7.

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World Football Trifecta Championship 2017-18

Player Haters Preakness IV Preparations

The Rules for the Player Haters Preakness may be found here:

The major difference is that Trifecta bonus points are awarded for picking against other Analysts’ Home Teams.

Picks for one’s own Home Team remain the second most important tiebreaker.

Changing Home Teams Between Races

After each of the four Races in the regular season, Analysts have the option of releasing their Home Team and selecting a new team to symbolize their horse sense from those teams not currently owned by other Analysts. If more than one Analyst releases their Home Team at the end of a Race, the new selections will go in order of the former teams’ win-loss records, from worst to best, using the official tie-breaking rules for team playoff ranks in the professional football league. In other words, the Analyst with the worst former team selects first, and so forth, to the best former team.

New Home Team Selection Order

According to the rules, the order of selection for new teams is by current playoff seeding, worst to first.

The order of picks will be:

1a. B-Reezy (14th seed NFC)*
1b. The Bookie (14th seed AFC)
3. Wise Orangutan (13th seed NFC)
4. Kal Krome (11th seed NFC)
5. Little Tuna (8th seed NFC)
6a. Big Tuna (6th seed AFC)**
6b. Atwork (6th seed NFC)
8. The Strategist (4th seed NFC)
9. Craft Brew (3rd seed AFC)

* B-Reezy has the lesser conference W-L record.
** Big Tuna has the lesser W-L record.

Let The Bookie know if you are swapping Home Teams by Tuesday night!

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Standings | Player Haters Preakness III | Final Results

Player Haters Preakness, 2016-17

Final Standings

The Run of the Black-Eyed Analysts lives up to its billing!

With just over 14 minutes remaining in the fourth quarter, The Big Tuna had all of the odds in his favor. Little Tuna, his last challenger, was down by 10 points, 1st and ten on the 25 yard-line, and according to one win probability calculator had only a 6.4% chance of winning the Preakness.  But, the World Football Trifecta deities intervened, and the winner is….

Big Tuna's Preakness Win Probability in the Final Leg
Little Tuna’s Highest Win Probability in the Final Leg of the Player Haters Preakness

Little Tuna! She takes the Player Haters Preakness 2016-17 for her first win of the third season. After taking an early lead in the first leg, she suckerpunched the competition into submission as her Cowboys went 3-0 in the month. Congratulations LT!

By virtue of the third tiebreaker (1.8 v. 0.7 turnovers per game), Wise Orangutan (2 trifecta points, 0 Correct Home Team Selections) takes second by a nose over The Bookie in third (2 trifecta points, 0 Correct Home Team Selections).

B-Reezy takes fourth place with a single trifecta point.

Bringing up the rear with 0 trifecta points, the unsung challenger Big Tuna takes fifth place after the Eggles lay an egg in overtime against Dallas and he finishes with 1 Correct Home Team Selection and 1.8 turnovers per game.

Completing the field, Atwork takes sixth (1 Correct Home Team Selection, 1.7 turnovers per game), Kal Krome takes seventh (1 Correct Home Team Selection, 1.0 turnovers per game), while The Strategist regresses to the mean on the back of her Rams (0 Correct Home Team Selections, 0.3 turnovers per game).

Trifecta Points

Player Haters Preakness III | Standings | Final Results
Final Results for the Player Haters Preakness III


Player Haters Preakness III | Tiebreakers | Final Results
Final Results for Tiebreakers in the Player Haters Preakness III

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Player Haters Preakness III | Week 8 Picks

The Analysts picks are in:

The Bookie: Seahawks/Broncos*/Eagles*
Big Tuna: Saints*/Broncos*/Eagles*
LittleTuna: Cowboys/Broncos*/Buccaneers*
Wise Orangutan: Raiders/Vikings/Eagles*
The Strategist: Vikings/Seahawks/Eagles*
Kal Krome: Seahawks/Broncos*/Eagles*
B-Reezy: Raiders/Broncos*/Eagles*
Atwork: Vikings/Broncos*/Eagles*

* Denotes hater eligible pick.

Race Day Notes:

Each week the Bookie will interview one analysts.
This week the Bookie interviewed former Analyst of the Year, Minds Blank.

The Bookie: Thank you for speaking with us tonight. It’s well known you give very few interviews and you’re always at work. But, Atwork, there is one question all other Analysts would like to know, what formula did you use to pick the amazing Vikings for your home team?

Atwork: My formula for picking the Vikings is TOP SECRET. If I told anyone, everyone would know which team is going to win the Super Bowl!!

The Bookie: There you have it. Straight from the horses mouth!

The Results Are In!

The Bookie: Seahawks/Broncos*/Eagles*
Big Tuna: Saints*/Broncos*/Eagles*
LittleTuna: Cowboys/Broncos*/Buccaneers*
Wise Orangutan: Raiders/Vikings/Eagles*
The Strategist: Vikings/Seahawks/Eagles*
Kal Krome: Seahawks/Broncos*/Eagles*
B-Reezy: Raiders/Broncos*/Eagles*
Atwork: Vikings/Broncos*/Eagles*

The second wipe out of the Player Haters Preakness!

None of the Analyst earn trifecta points for the week, as only three Analysts get 2 Correct Picks, four Analysts get 1 Correct Pick, and one Analyst gets no Correct Picks.

In the fourth leg, only two haters won for a potential 2-point trifecta: Broncos*, Saints*, and Raiders/Cowboys/Bears.

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