The Analysts’ Picks Are In:
The Bookie: Cowboys/Rams*/Saints*
The Big Tuna: Cowboys/Rams*/Saints*
Little Tuna: Steelers/Rams*/Giants*
Wise Orangutan: Cardinals/Saints*/ Giants*
The Strategist: Panthers/Steelers/Saints*
Kal Krome: Seahawks/49ers*/Saints*
B-Reezy: Steelers/Cowboys/Saints*
Atwork: Packers/Steelers/Rams*
Craft Brew: Panthers/Cowboys/Saints*
!Featured Analyst of the Week!
Five-Time Crown Winner!
Our Celebrity Analyst Roasters:
The Bookie: “Little Tuna, Also known as Little Scar-kist Tuna in Foxborough is truly one of our greatest Analyst. In fact she tells me how great she is over and over and over each week when she makes her picks. When she fails to make her trifecta instead of admitting her little scales are flaking and that she’s getting moldy she includes everyone in her dismissal of why she’s not winning anymore. Let me quote her last week email.
“How is it that WE get worse through the year?!?!??”
I don’t think Atwork or The Strategist feel that way. And now that the Dallas Cowboys are her home team, Big Tuna reports Little Tuna is now bilingual during the football games. She’s speaks both English and profanity!”
Big Tuna: “I am not saying a word. The woman cooks my food.”
The Bookie: “Afraid, are we?”
Big Tuna: “Hell yeah. Look at her!”
Wise Orangutan: “Miss the opportunity to roast Little Tuna, hell no! I mean, with 5 Crowns, she is the best Analyst, yes? Well, I mean, if you take away the wins with the Cheatriots, she has only one win really. And she may think she is getting worse at picking, but that first year she played without the Cheatriots she had only 3 trifectas in the Analyst of the Year Race. If you think about it, better or worse is all relative to whether she owns the Cheatriots or not…. either way, she is just really bad at picking games!”
The Strategist: What?! Roast tuna? Y’all must be from Alabama! Pats revenge is a dish best served cold and I love, love love me some spicy tuna roll!
Kal Krome: “My advice for Little Tuna is if she wants to start winning races again she better start relieving herself before the race rather than stopping so frequently to “squirt in the dirt”!”
B-Reezy: “Little Tuna, she married a butcher’s cut!”
Craft Brew: Sound of empty Craft Brew bottles hitting the waves.
Atwork: Sound of crickets chirping.
The Results Are (Coming) In:
The Bookie: Cowboys/Rams*/Saints* (2 points)
The Big Tuna: Cowboys/Rams*/Saints* (2 points)
Little Tuna: Steelers/Rams*/Giants*
Wise Orangutan: Cardinals/Saints*/ Giants*
The Strategist: Panthers/Steelers/Saints*
Kal Krome: Seahawks/49ers*/Saints*
B-Reezy: Steelers/Cowboys/Saints* (1 point)
Atwork: Packers/Steelers/Rams*
Craft Brew: Panthers/Cowboys/Saints*
Player Hater combinations:
Perfect Player Hater Trifecta: None.
2-Point Player Hater Trifecta: Rams, Saints, and any winning Home Team.