PC-Fecta Derby – Week 1 Picks

The Analysts picks are in:

The Bookie: Colts/Patriots/Seahawks

Big Tuna: Lions/Seahawks/Packers

Little Tuna: Patriots/Colts/Packers

Wise Orangutan: Chargers/Packers/Bills

The Strategist: Rams /Packers/Broncos

Kal Krome: Seahawks/Packers/Ravens

Minds Blank: Packers/Lions/Steelers

B-Reezy: Colts/Patriots/Seahawks


And they’re off!

And, the Results are in:

Wise Orangutan and The Strategist picked correct trifectas in Week 1 (1 point each). The Strategist’s Rams scored the most points (34), so she earns two bonus trifecta points. Big Tuna’s Broncos were the stingiest defense, so no Analyst earns the defensive bonus point.

The Bookie: Colts/Patriots/Seahawks

Big Tuna: Lions/Seahawks/Packers

Little Tuna: Patriots/Colts/Packers

Wise Orangutan: Chargers/Packers/Bills (1 point)

The Strategist: Rams /Packers/Broncos (3 points)

Kal Krome: Seahawks/Packers/Ravens

Minds Blank: Packers/Lions/Steelers

B-Reezy: Colts/Patriots/Seahawks


Top offensive team: Rams (34 points)

Top defensive team: Broncos (13 points)


Final scores.

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PC-Fecta Derby II – Slate of Games

The Entrants

The Analysts have selected their Home Teams to start the new season and the entrants for the PC-Fecta Derby are:

PC-Fecta Derby Analysts
The Analysts and their Home Teams for the Derby.

Slate of Games

PC-Fecta Derby Slate of Games
The Slate of Games for Four Legs of the PC-Fecta Derby.

The slate of games for the PC-Fecta Derby included 4 head-to-head competitions this month (first tiebreaker)! Kal Krome’s Seahawks face The Strategist’s Rams (week 1), Minds Blanks’s Packers (week 2), and B-Reezy’s Bears (week 3). Also in week 1, Minds Blanks’s Packers head to B-Reezy’s Bears.

Home teams owned by an Analyst are in bold. The team at the left is the visiting team; the team at the right is the host (playing at home). There are lots of featured games: two Thursday night, two Sunday night, and three Monday games.

The Patriots are on a Bye in week 4 – Little Tuna will not be able to earn PC-Fecta *bonus* points that week.


Remember: Every Analyst has a bias for his or her Home Team and may not pick the sponsored team to lose. Analysts do not have to pick his or her Home Team  to win, but *bonus* trifecta points are won only if Analysts include the Home Team in a winning trifecta. See the Derby Rules for more.

Email three picks to The Bookie before each leg (week) of the Race. The first picks are due on Wednesday, September 9.

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Recap: Season I – PC-Fecta Derby

The Winner Is…

The PCFecta Derby to kick off the racing season goes to none other than… The Big Tuna.

Minds Blank finished strong with a PC-Fecta in the fourth leg of the race to take second. Kal Krome, The Bookie, and the Orangutan showed some semblance of sentience, tying for third. The Little Tuna and the Strategist are only three weeks from automatic entry into the 2014 Upper Class Twit of the Year contest.

Among the football teams, the Falcons dominated September with two home wins and the most points per game (if only they could play on the road every game of the season). The Seahawks came in second by points per game. The Chargers show possibility with three wins and the best winning percentage. The Bears and Packers have potential, but inconsistency. The Rams and Titans are on bandwagon watch.

Final Results:

PC-Fecta Derby I
Final Results for Season I – PC-Fecta Derby

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