Standings | Player Haters Preakness II | Leg 1

Player Haters Preakness, 2015-16


Seven of eight Analysts suffered a black eye as hate misguided our experts in the first week. The only winning combinations was Steelers, Bengals, and a Home Team — which no Analyst picked.

The Bookie played it safe with two Home Teams and the Bengals, to take a slender lead after the first leg of the Preakness.

Minds Blank built a tiebreaker over The Strategist with the Packers’ win. Blank and B-Reezy are the only Analysts to pick their Home Teams correctly, which may prove to be precious tiebreakers in the tight contest that is the Preakness this year.

Trifecta Points

Player Haters Preakness II Standings Leg 1
Standings after Leg 1 of the Player Haters Preakness II


Player Haters Preakness II Tiebreakers Leg 1
Tiebreakers after Leg 1 of the Player Haters Preakness, 2015-16

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Player Haters Preakness II | Slate of Games

The Entrants

All Analysts have decided to stick with their Home Teams for the 2015-16 Player Haters Preakness. The line up is:

Player Haters Preakness Slate of Analysts
The Analysts and their Home Teams for the Preakness

Slate of Games

Player Haters Preakness II Slate of Games
The Slate of Games for the Player Haters Preakness, 2015-16

The slate of games for the Player Haters Preakness II includes four head-to-head contests this month (again, the first tiebreaker). Minds Blank’s Packers face The Strategist’s Rams (Leg 1), Wise Orangutan’s Chargers (Leg 2), and Big Tuna’s Broncos (Leg 4). Also in Leg 2, Little Tuna’s Patriots travel to The Bookie’s Colts. REMINDER: No bonus points can be won for picks in head-to-head contests.

Home teams owned by an Analyst are in bold. The team at the left is the visiting team; the team at the right is the host (playing at home). There are several featured games: three Thursday night, two Sunday night, and two Monday night games. The Rams are on a bye in Leg 2, while the Bears, Broncos, and Packers are on a bye in Leg 3.

With four head-to-head contests AND four Bye weeks, the 2015-16 Player Haters Preakness features a narrow slate of games (5 games) in Leg 2 and Leg 3. In Leg 2, only three games feature un-owned opponents that can yield bonus points!


Remember: Every Analyst has a bias for his or her Home Team and may not pick the sponsored team to lose. Analysts do not have to pick his or her Home Team  to win, but the second tiebreaker remains the number of correct Home Team selections. See the Preakness Rules for more.

Email three picks to The Bookie before each leg (week) of the Race. The first picks are due on Thursday, October 8.


Check the current playoff standing of Home Teams.


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Standings | Analyst of the Year II | Week 4

Analyst of the Year II

Four weeks into the long season, and four Analysts have notched their second trifecta. Three more Analysts have one trifecta. One Analysts was short-reined by a holdout.

Currently, Little Tuna holds a slight lead with two trifectas and 10 correct picks. Big Tuna, Wise Orangutan, and The Strategist tie for second with 2 trifectas and 9 correct picks. Minds Blank has sole possession of fifth pace with 1 trifecta and 8 correct picks, followed by The Bookie and B-Reezy with 1 trifecta and 7 correct picks. Kal Krome trails.


Standings | Analyst of the Year II | Week 4
Standings for Analyst of the Year II in Week 4

Correct Picks

Picks Tiebreaker | Analyst of the Year II | Week 4
Picks Tiebreaker for the Analyst of the Year II after Week 4

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Commentary on the PC-Fecta Derby Point System

PC-Fecta Derby Scoring System

Two years in a row, the PC-Fecta Derby was not a close contest in the fourth week. Last year, Big Tuna won in week 3. This year, five of eight Analysts had been eliminated and two Analysts needed a trifecta PLUS all bonus points.

This thread is for the Analysts to discuss and comment on the point system of the PC-Fecta Derby.

The strange thing is the first two years, an Analyst had a team that dominated two out of the first three  weeks AND also got trifectas. It is not a given. If someone had the Cardinals or the Steelers as a Home Team, Little Tuna would not have had 6 points in the third week and everyone would have been in the contest. Both teams were playoff contenders last year, so they would have been a good option this year. Last year, the Pats were 2-2 in the first four weeks, so it was not a given that they play so well each year (in September anyway – before the fear of another loss invites the temptation to cheat).

The Derby point scoring is set up to award an Analyst for picking a good team in September AND for picking trifectas. Right now, Analysts have three undefeated teams – last year there were no undefeated teams in the football league after week four. There was a greater diversity of team fortunes this year and an Analyst with an undefeated team won.

This year we added the defensive bonus. Funny enough, the offensive bonus was awarded every week AND the defensive bonus was awarded only 1 of 4 weeks. By chance, trifecta winners in the PC-Fecta Derby have also been an offensive power. Considering we are only ~37% at picking trifectas, I find it strange that the trifecta picks and offensive bonuses have always been won together. It has worked as designed, but the results by Leg 3 have made the Derby the least competitive Race.

There are three alternatives for the future proposed by others through The Bookie (none of which would have changed the outcome – Little Tuna wins in all systems).

  1. Calculate bonus points only for those Analysts who earned trifectas: If The Clearinghouse did that, four more defensive points would have been awarded (due to a tie in week 4) — Orangutan (week 1), Big Tuna (week 3 and 4), and B-Reezy (Week 4) . The current defensive point system worked to keep Minds Blank in contention with 2 points. With this system, Big Tuna and Orangutan may have been in contention in the fourth leg of the race but then lost because they split the bonuses in the final week (an interesting outcome).
  2. Do not allow Analysts to take the same teams each week (other than Home Team): The Clearinghouse is not able to recalculate points, but if Analysts could not take the same horse two weeks in a row unless it is the Home Team, then the Analysts with winning Home Teams in the first month would have an added advantage. Now, almost all Analysts could have taken the Patriots, Packers, and Broncos for 3 points by week three to remain in contention. This rule would make that impossible. If Analysts could not ride other Analysts’ winning teams week in and week out, it would reduce all Analysts’ chances for trifectas and bonuses. That would (The Clearinghouse surmises) reduce correct trifectas below the current rate of ~37% after two years.
  3. Award 1 base trifecta point for 2 correct picks and 3 trifecta points for 3 correct picks. The Clearinghouse re-scored under this system and it would not have added more competitors in the final leg AND it would have made it easier Little Tuna to earn one extra trifecta point to win against her two contenders in Leg 4 (she picked two correctly in the final week).

PC-Fecta Derby is part picking trifectas AND part picking a Home Team that starts the year well. The Clearinghouse thinks the Derby works in that respect. Option 1 seems like the one that would add more contenders in the final leg of the race next year.

Add comments or other suggestions below.

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Standings | PC-Fecta Derby II | Final Results

PC-Fecta Derby, 2015-16

Final Standings

At the finish, Little Tuna (6 points) holds her lead and wins the 2015-16 PC-Fecta Derby! Little Tuna earns her first title in the Quaternary Crown and extends her winning streak to two races.

With a late surge, the Wise Orangutan (4 points) edges past The Strategist (4 points) to take 2nd place due to the third tiebreaker for average point differentials by the Home Team (-3.5 vs. -3.8 – yes, those are negative point differentials by the Home Teams!). In fourth, Minds Blank (2 points) inches past the Big Tuna (2 points) on the basis of four correct Home Team picks.

In sixth, The Bookie (1 point) holds off  a charge by B-Reezy (1 point) with two correct Home Team picks. Kal Krome held out the first two weeks of the Derby and never gained last year’s form.

Trifecta Points

PC-Fecta Derby II - Final Trifecta Standings
Final Trifecta Standings of the PC-Fecta Derby, 2015-16


PC-Fecta Derby II - Final Tiebreakers
Final Tiebreakers for the PC-Fecta Derby, 2015-16

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Standings | Analyst of the Year II | Week 3

Analyst of the Year II

Three weeks into the season, six of eight Analysts are on the board for the second annual Analyst of the Year Award.

Currently, Little Tuna holds the lead outright with 2 trifectas in three weeks. Minds Blank, Big Tuna, Wise Orangutan, and The Strategist tie for second with 1 trifecta and 6 correct picks. In fifth, The Bookie notches her first trifecta in Week 3. Kal Krome and B-Reezy are still looking for their first trifectas.


Analyst of the Year II Standings Week 3
Standings after Week 3 for Analyst of the Year 2015-16

Correct Picks

Analyst of the Year II Picks Tiebreaker Week 3
Picks Tiebreaker after Week 3 for Analyst of the Year 2015-16

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Standings | PC-Fecta Derby II | Leg 3

PC-Fecta Derby II


Little Tuna surges around the third turn and eliminates 5 Analysts from contention in the Derby: Big Tuna, Kal Krome, Wise Orangutan, The Bookie, and B-Reezy.

Little Tuna (6) holds a 3 point lead over The Strategist (3) and a four point lead over Minds Blank (2). The Scenarios in the final week are:

  1. Little Tuna picks a trifecta this week, OR, if both Minds Blank and The Strategist fail to pick a trifecta, Little Tuna wins outright.
  2. If Little Tuna does not earn a trifecta, then:
    1. The Strategist must pick a trifecta that includes her Home Team AND earn both offensive and defensive bonuses for 4 points. Little Tuna owns the tiebreakers over The Strategist, so 3 points will not win the race for the Strategist.
    2. Minds Blank must pick a trifecta that includes her Home Team AND earn both offensive and defensive bonuses for 4 points. In that case, Minds Blank will have picked her Home Team correctly four times and own the second tiebreaker over Little Tuna.

    Trifecta Points

PC-Fecta Derby II Standings Leg 3
Standings after Leg 3 of the PC-Fecta Derby 2015-16


PC-Fecta Derby II Tiebreakers Leg 3
Tiebreakers after Leg 3 of the PC-Fecta Derby 2015-16

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Standings | Analyst of the Year II | Week 2

Analyst of the Year II

Week 2 was pretty tough on human  (5 of 16) and machine (6 of 15) predictions. Expert analysis from Little Tuna and Minds Blank this past week!

Four of eight Analysts score their first trifectas by Week 2 of the season. Little Tuna holds an edge with 5 correct picks total in the first two weeks.  A three way tie by Minds Blank, The Strategist, and Orangutan for second, while the rest of the Analysts contend for last place.


Analyst of the Year II Standings Week 2
Standings after Week 2 of the Analyst of the Year, 2015-16

Correct Picks

Analyst of the Year II Picks Tiebreakers Week 2
Pick Tiebreaker after Week 2 of Analyst of the Year, 2015-16

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Standings | PC-Fecta Derby II | Leg 2

PC-Fecta Derby II

Trifecta Points

Little Tuna surges around the second turn to tie The Strategist with three trifecta points. Minds Blank makes a move to stake third position with only two legs to go. Wise Orangutan holds on to fourth with a slim lead over the four remaining Analysts.

PC-Fecta Derby II Standings - Leg 2
Standings after Leg 2 of the PC-Fecta Derby II


Currently, with two correct home team picks, Little Tuna holds the tiebreaker over The Strategist for first place.

After two losses in head-to-head competition, Kal Krome needs two good weeks to overtake Minds Blank and The Strategist, who own the first tiebreaker over Kal.

With three 0-2 Home Teams, B-Reezy’s Bears win the race for the bottom with an average loss of 16.5 points!

PC-Fecta Derby II Tiebreakers -- Leg 2
Tiebreakers after Leg 2 of the PC-Fecta Derby II

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Standings | Analyst of the Year II | Week 1

Analyst of the Year II

An early lead for The Strategist and Wise Orangutan.


Analyst of the Year II Standings
Standings for the Second Analyst of the Year Award

Correct Picks

Analyst of the Year II Picks Tiebreaker
Picks Tiebreaker for the Second Analyst of the Year Award

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