Player Haters Preakness IX | Leg 3 Picks

The Analysts’ Picks Are In

Jimmy V - Bengals/Buccaneers/**Patriots
Sponge Mom - **Falcons/**Seahawks/**Patriots
Mo Money - **Colts/Chargers/Cowboys
Roxy Trot - **Patriots/**Giants/Buccaneers
Woody - *Ravens/Packers/Buccaneers
B-Reezy - *Bears/**Steelers/**Giants
Craft Brew - Bengals/Buccaneers/Ravens
Little Tuna - **Colts/**Patriots/**Panthers
Big Tuna - **Steelers/**Giants/**Colts
The Strategist - Packers/Chiefs/Buccaneers
KateTDid - **Falcons/**Colts/**Giants
Wise Orangutan - **Cardinals/**Patriots/Buccaneers
Bookie - **Patriots/**Giants/Cowboys
Atwork - **Colts/**Lions/**Giants
Boo Boo - **Patriots/**Seahawks/Buccaneers
Bug Bug - **Falcons/**Colts/**Giants
Wreck It Ralph - *Bengals/**Cardinals/**Patriots

*denotes home team
**denotes player hater 

The Results Are In!

Jimmy V - Bengals/Buccaneers/**Patriots (0 points)
Sponge Mom - **Falcons/**Seahawks/**Patriots (0 points)
Mo Money - **Colts/Chargers/Cowboys (0 points)
Roxy Trot - **Patriots/**Giants/Buccaneers (0 points)
Woody - *Ravens/Packers/Buccaneers (0 points)
B-Reezy - *Bears/**Steelers/**Giants (3 points)
Craft Brew - Bengals/Buccaneers/Ravens (3 points)
Little Tuna - **Colts/**Patriots/**Panthers (0 points)
Big Tuna - **Steelers/**Giants/**Colts (0 points)
The Strategist - Packers/Chiefs/Buccaneers (0 points)
KateTDid - **Falcons/**Colts/**Giants (0 points)
Wise Orangutan - **Cardinals/**Patriots/Buccaneers (0 points)
Bookie - **Patriots/**Giants/Cowboys (3 points)
Atwork - **Colts/**Lions/**Giants (0 points)
Boo Boo - **Patriots/**Seahawks/Buccaneers (0 points)
Bug Bug - **Falcons/**Colts/**Giants (0 points)
Wreck It Ralph - *Bengals/**Cardinals/**Patriots (3 points)

*denotes home team
**denotes player hater 

Player Haters Combinations

Any three of Cardinals, Commanders, Panthers, Giants and Seahawks.

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