Season V Welcome
WFTL Analysts have come to accept that there are tough loses at the WFTL Racetrack. Just as in life sometimes you just want to shout out “that’s not fair.” A past example was one Analyst that continually week after week complained about the Patriots winning. Yes there are fouls in all sports and in horse racing a grievance can be brought up after the race. So this year we are establishing a complaint box. All Objections (“claims of foul”) will be anonymous, carry no foul language (Orangutan) and will be posted with the weekly picks. Submitting objections to the “Spit Box” may start as soon as the draft begins. You may claim your home team and tell your grievances as soon as your face is no longer red and you can compose your thoughts. Post objections for the “Spit Box” throughout the season.
Season V Racing Form
To welcome our new comers we will have 3 new roast later this season and also we will do an interview of each final race winner.
The following in alphabetical order is our list of analyst for the WFTL V
Big Tuna
Craft Brew
Jimmy V (formerly known as DA BEAR)
Little Tuna
Roxy Trot
Sponge Mom
The Bookie
The Strategist
Wise Orangutan
The Clearinghouse will determine the draft order of New Analysts with a random number generator. Once the draft order is finalized, Home Team Selections will begin!
The Bookie 09/02/18
Claiming Box Order
A Message from The Clearinghouse:
CLAIMING- Buying a horse out of race for entered price. CLAIMING BOX- Box in which claims are deposited before the race.
To start Season V, three Analysts have retained their Claims to Home Teams. The following Home Teams may not be claimed by other Analysts:
- The Strategist | Panthers
- Big Tuna | Saints
- Craft Brew | Steelers
The order of Home Team claims for Season V has been determined per the General Rules. The order of the New Analysts’ Claims have been determined by random number generation: see the official video below for confirmation. The New Analysts will submit their Claims in the following order:
1. Sponge Mom
2. Jimmy V (formerly known as DA BEAR)
3. Roxy Trot
After the New Analysts’ Claims have been recorded, the Returning Analysts will stake Claims from the remaining available teams in the following order:
4. Atwork
5. The Bookie
6. Little Tuna
7. Wise Orangutan
8. B-Reezy
Let the Claims begin!