PC-Fecta Derby III | Week 3 Picks

The Analysts picks are in:

The Bookie: Dolphins/Packers/Panthers
Big Tuna: Raiders/Cowboys/Panthers
LittleTuna: Panthers/Colts/Titans
Wise Orangutan: Chargers/Dolphins/Cowboys
The Strategist: Packers/Panthers/Seahawks
Kal Krome: Seahawks/Cowboys/Packers
Minds Blank: Packers/49ers/Panthers
B-Reezy: Seahawks/Dolphins/Panthers
Atwork: Vikings/Packers/Rams

Race Day Notes:

Each week the Bookie will interview one analysts. This week the Bookie interviewed the Strategist at her high rise apartment in Chicago. When asked how she felt about last weeks results, She humbly applied how surprise she was to have taken the lead so early in the race. She continued (and I quote) by saying “I have a solid chance of beating the Orangutan”. This being a personal goal, she added this prediction “The Wise Orangutan will be the big loser this year!”

We might see a little slipstreaming action with the Little Tuna and The Strategist together to give this Orangutan a Charlie horse.

The Results Are In!


Around the third turn, Atwork’s horse sense blitzes the competition, knocking out five Analysts with Viking efficiency and securing the bonus trifecta point for best defense.

In a cagey performance, however, Kal Krome evades the Panther trap set by Atwork and rounds the third turn on a 37-point offensive gallop by the Seahawks.

Wise Orangutan is crushed by his un-super Chargers and joins the Panther-bitten Analysts around the third turn.

The Bookie: Dolphins/Packers/Panthers
Big Tuna: Raiders/Cowboys/Panthers
LittleTuna: Panthers/Colts/Titans
Wise Orangutan: Chargers/Dolphins/Cowboys
The Strategist: Packers/Panthers/Seahawks
Kal Krome: Seahawks/Cowboys/Packers (3 points)
Minds Blank: Packers/49ers/Panthers
B-Reezy: Seahawks/Dolphins/Panthers
Atwork: Vikings/Packers/Rams (2 points)


Top teams among trifecta winners:

Top offensive team (+2): Seahawks (37 points scored)

Top defensive team (+1): Vikings (10 points allowed)

Final scores.


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